Greater Manchester, contrary to popular belief, is in fact rich in bird life and supports a wide variety of habitats, enjoying a mild climate attractive to many wintering birds. On average, around 200 species are recorded each year and the total number ever recorded in the county currently stands at 317.
It is VERY important that observers further the knowledge of the avifauna of the county and help conservation by contributing their records for the annual County Bird Report and this page is intended to assist observers in doing just that! Recent planning developments like the Greater Manchester Spacial Framework proposes to build on the county's green belt land and it is those bird records submitted to the Greater Manchester Bird Recording Group which are utilised in official objections to such proposals.
Please use the tabs to open the various selections
It is VERY important that observers further the knowledge of the avifauna of the county and help conservation by contributing their records for the annual County Bird Report and this page is intended to assist observers in doing just that! Recent planning developments like the Greater Manchester Spacial Framework proposes to build on the county's green belt land and it is those bird records submitted to the Greater Manchester Bird Recording Group which are utilised in official objections to such proposals.
Please use the tabs to open the various selections
We (the Greater Manchester Bird Recording Group), urge all observers in the county to submit their records to us on a monthly or annual basis. Your records will not only then go into the county's definitive bird records database and be utilised in the annual county bird report (where you will rightly be acknowledged for your contribution) but perhaps more importantly they will be used in important conservation issues throughout the county.
For further information on how and why to record breeding birds in Greater Manchester please read the article in the miscellaneous articles page here
There are two methods of submitting your records to us:
1. SWIFT (preferred method)
Swift is the Greater Manchester Local Record Centre’s new online recording system launched in April 2020 to replace RODIS. Having spent many hours testing Swift in the field and inputting several thousand records, GMBRG has decided to adopt it as our preferred method for submitting records. MapMate has served us well since 2004 when it succeeded Avianstore as the GMBRG’s database but is beginning to show its age, with many users experiencing problems running it on Windows 8 and 10. The move to Swift will ensure the long term viability of the GMBRG database and gives us access to professional IT support. We will continue to provide support to those recorders using MapMate and the GMBRG Excel file, however, we think that once you have tried Swift you will want to make the switch. The main benefits can be summarised as follows:
Make your records immediately available for use
If you input your sightings into your phone or tablet whilst out birdwatching, when you return home your records are already in the GMLRC database. This means you, GMBRG and GMEU’s ecologists can view your records on the same day. However, if you prefer you can input your records through once back home and still make them available on the same day.
Recording accurate locations
The GMLRC MapApp which you may already be familiar with is an integral part of Swift. Zooming in and clicking on the map allows you to record accurate locations for the birds you see. Not only is this extremely valuable in identifying which areas of a site are used by which species, it will also allow you to map your sightings of individual species in your local area or even across GM. The MapApp also calculates whether each grid reference you input is inside, or outside, a Site of Biological Importance (SBI), so allowing your records to be used by GMEU’s ecologists in the five yearly assessment and review of these sites. There is no other recording system available which does this for Greater Manchester.
SBI selection guidelines for Greater Manchester can be found here
Breeding Evidence Codes
You will doubtless be aware of the importance of recording breeding evidence, especially between March and July. There is a drop-down list of breeding evidence codes which allow you to effortlessly add information to each record on whether a bird is singing, displaying, nest building, carrying food etc. So, logging this information will allow you, and us, to assess the number of territories for an individual species at a site and more importantly the fluctuations in numbers from year to year. For species such as Little Ringed Plover and Willow Tit we will be able to calculate the numbers of confirmed, probable and possible breeding pairs and report these to the Rare Breeding Birds Panel for inclusion in their national database.
For further information on how and why to record breeding birds in Greater Manchester please read the article in the miscellaneous articles page here
Breeding evidence codes can be found here
Future Developments
Whilst Swift is fully functional as a recording tool, the reporting side is still under development. If you already submit your records to GMBRG these have been shared with GMLRC and will be migrated to the Swift database. You will also be able to view on Google Maps the distribution of the different species you have recorded across GM over the years. There will be a library of standard queries (like MapMate) which will generate your species lists for the sites you visit, as well as your GM year and life lists. You will also be able to request custom queries to analyse your records in many different ways.
Swift is accessed via the GMLRC website where you can download the Getting Started with Swift guide which we would recommend you read. If not already a registered user, you will need to sign up and create a username (your email address) and password, which the guide also explains how to do and the basics of using the system.
We (the Greater Manchester Bird Recording Group), urge all observers in the county to submit their records to us on a monthly or annual basis. Your records will not only then go into the county's definitive bird records database and be utilised in the annual county bird report (where you will rightly be acknowledged for your contribution) but perhaps more importantly they will be used in important conservation issues throughout the county.
For further information on how and why to record breeding birds in Greater Manchester please read the article in the miscellaneous articles page here
There are two methods of submitting your records to us:
1. SWIFT (preferred method)
Swift is the Greater Manchester Local Record Centre’s new online recording system launched in April 2020 to replace RODIS. Having spent many hours testing Swift in the field and inputting several thousand records, GMBRG has decided to adopt it as our preferred method for submitting records. MapMate has served us well since 2004 when it succeeded Avianstore as the GMBRG’s database but is beginning to show its age, with many users experiencing problems running it on Windows 8 and 10. The move to Swift will ensure the long term viability of the GMBRG database and gives us access to professional IT support. We will continue to provide support to those recorders using MapMate and the GMBRG Excel file, however, we think that once you have tried Swift you will want to make the switch. The main benefits can be summarised as follows:
Make your records immediately available for use
If you input your sightings into your phone or tablet whilst out birdwatching, when you return home your records are already in the GMLRC database. This means you, GMBRG and GMEU’s ecologists can view your records on the same day. However, if you prefer you can input your records through once back home and still make them available on the same day.
Recording accurate locations
The GMLRC MapApp which you may already be familiar with is an integral part of Swift. Zooming in and clicking on the map allows you to record accurate locations for the birds you see. Not only is this extremely valuable in identifying which areas of a site are used by which species, it will also allow you to map your sightings of individual species in your local area or even across GM. The MapApp also calculates whether each grid reference you input is inside, or outside, a Site of Biological Importance (SBI), so allowing your records to be used by GMEU’s ecologists in the five yearly assessment and review of these sites. There is no other recording system available which does this for Greater Manchester.
SBI selection guidelines for Greater Manchester can be found here
Breeding Evidence Codes
You will doubtless be aware of the importance of recording breeding evidence, especially between March and July. There is a drop-down list of breeding evidence codes which allow you to effortlessly add information to each record on whether a bird is singing, displaying, nest building, carrying food etc. So, logging this information will allow you, and us, to assess the number of territories for an individual species at a site and more importantly the fluctuations in numbers from year to year. For species such as Little Ringed Plover and Willow Tit we will be able to calculate the numbers of confirmed, probable and possible breeding pairs and report these to the Rare Breeding Birds Panel for inclusion in their national database.
For further information on how and why to record breeding birds in Greater Manchester please read the article in the miscellaneous articles page here
Breeding evidence codes can be found here
Future Developments
Whilst Swift is fully functional as a recording tool, the reporting side is still under development. If you already submit your records to GMBRG these have been shared with GMLRC and will be migrated to the Swift database. You will also be able to view on Google Maps the distribution of the different species you have recorded across GM over the years. There will be a library of standard queries (like MapMate) which will generate your species lists for the sites you visit, as well as your GM year and life lists. You will also be able to request custom queries to analyse your records in many different ways.
Swift is accessed via the GMLRC website where you can download the Getting Started with Swift guide which we would recommend you read. If not already a registered user, you will need to sign up and create a username (your email address) and password, which the guide also explains how to do and the basics of using the system.
2. Greater Manchester Ecology Unit simple recording form
A simple method of recording your bird sightings only for very occasional records, but which are shared with the Greater Manchester Bird Recording Group
Click on the image below to find more details.
A simple method of recording your bird sightings only for very occasional records, but which are shared with the Greater Manchester Bird Recording Group
Click on the image below to find more details.
See also under the 'guidelines' tab
A rarity report form to use when submitting county rarities can be found on the file download below:
See also under the 'guidelines' tab
A rarity report form to use when submitting county rarities can be found on the file download below:

File Size: | 47 kb |
File Type: | doc |
(with effect from November 2015)
Rob Adderley
Andy Isherwood
Pete Hines
Ian McKerchar (Chairman)
John Rayner
Gulls Sub-committee members:
Rob Adderley
Dave Broome
Ian McKerchar
The following (non BBRC) species and sub-species are county rarities and require a description to be provided to the County Rarities Committee (as of 27.04.21).
Bewick’s Swan; Bean Goose; Brent Goose; Black Brant; White-fronted Goose; American Wigeon; Green-winged Teal; Ring-necked Duck; Long-tailed Duck; Eider; Velvet Scoter; Surf Scoter; Smew; Black Grouse; Quail (non-calling birds); all Divers (excluding Pacific which is BBRC); Red-necked Grebe; Slavonian Grebe; Fulmar; all shearwater species; Wilson's Petrel; Storm Petrel; Leach's Petrel; Gannet; Shag; Night Heron; Cattle Egret; Great White Egret; Purple Heron; Glossy Ibis; Spoonbill; White-tailed Eagle; Golden Eagle; Honey Buzzard; Black Kite; Montagu's Harrier; Goshawk; Rough-legged Buzzard; Red-footed Falcon; Spotted Crake; Corncrake; Common Crane; Black-winged Stilt; Stone Curlew; Dotterel; American Golden Plover; Black-winged Stilt; Little Stint; Temminck's Stint; Curlew Sandpiper; White-rumped Sandpiper; Pectoral Sandpiper; Purple Sandpiper; Buff-breasted Sandpiper; Lesser Yellowlegs; Red-necked Phalarope; Grey Phalarope; all skua species; Sabine's Gull; Ring-billed Gull; Caspian Gull; Yellow-legged Gull; Roseate Tern; White-winged Black Tern; all auk species; Turtle Dove; Nightjar; Alpine Swift; Bee-eater; Hoopoe; Wryneck; Woodlark; Shore Lark; Red-rumped Swallow; Richard's Pipit; Olive-backed Pipit; Water Pipit; Citrine Wagtail; Nightingale; Red-spotted Bluethroat (White-spotted is a BBRC rarity) Red-flanked Bluetail; Barred Warbler; Cetti's Warbler (non-singing birds only); Blyth's Reed Warbler; Marsh Warbler; Dartford Warbler; Icterine Warbler; Melodious Warbler; Arctic Warbler: Greenish Warbler; Yellow-browed Warbler; Pallas's Warbler; Radde's Warbler; Dusky Warbler; Red-breasted Flycatcher; Bearded Tit; Marsh Tit; Penduline Tit; Golden Oriole; Great Grey Shrike; Red-backed Shrike; Woodchat Shrike; Chough; Hooded Crow; Rose-coloured Starling; Serin; Parrot Crossbill; Twite (usually lowland records only); Common (Mealy) Redpoll; Common Rosefinch; Hawfinch; Lapland Bunting; Cirl Bunting; Ortolan Bunting; Little Bunting.
Iceland Gull- "Kumlien's Gull" L.g. kumlieni
Yellow Wagtail- all races other than flavissima and any purported hybrids.
Chiffchaff - all races other than P. collybita
If observers are in any doubt as to what constitutes a county or national rarity they should not hesitate to contact the County Recorder.
(with effect from November 2015)
Rob Adderley
Andy Isherwood
Pete Hines
Ian McKerchar (Chairman)
John Rayner
Gulls Sub-committee members:
Rob Adderley
Dave Broome
Ian McKerchar
The following (non BBRC) species and sub-species are county rarities and require a description to be provided to the County Rarities Committee (as of 27.04.21).
Bewick’s Swan; Bean Goose; Brent Goose; Black Brant; White-fronted Goose; American Wigeon; Green-winged Teal; Ring-necked Duck; Long-tailed Duck; Eider; Velvet Scoter; Surf Scoter; Smew; Black Grouse; Quail (non-calling birds); all Divers (excluding Pacific which is BBRC); Red-necked Grebe; Slavonian Grebe; Fulmar; all shearwater species; Wilson's Petrel; Storm Petrel; Leach's Petrel; Gannet; Shag; Night Heron; Cattle Egret; Great White Egret; Purple Heron; Glossy Ibis; Spoonbill; White-tailed Eagle; Golden Eagle; Honey Buzzard; Black Kite; Montagu's Harrier; Goshawk; Rough-legged Buzzard; Red-footed Falcon; Spotted Crake; Corncrake; Common Crane; Black-winged Stilt; Stone Curlew; Dotterel; American Golden Plover; Black-winged Stilt; Little Stint; Temminck's Stint; Curlew Sandpiper; White-rumped Sandpiper; Pectoral Sandpiper; Purple Sandpiper; Buff-breasted Sandpiper; Lesser Yellowlegs; Red-necked Phalarope; Grey Phalarope; all skua species; Sabine's Gull; Ring-billed Gull; Caspian Gull; Yellow-legged Gull; Roseate Tern; White-winged Black Tern; all auk species; Turtle Dove; Nightjar; Alpine Swift; Bee-eater; Hoopoe; Wryneck; Woodlark; Shore Lark; Red-rumped Swallow; Richard's Pipit; Olive-backed Pipit; Water Pipit; Citrine Wagtail; Nightingale; Red-spotted Bluethroat (White-spotted is a BBRC rarity) Red-flanked Bluetail; Barred Warbler; Cetti's Warbler (non-singing birds only); Blyth's Reed Warbler; Marsh Warbler; Dartford Warbler; Icterine Warbler; Melodious Warbler; Arctic Warbler: Greenish Warbler; Yellow-browed Warbler; Pallas's Warbler; Radde's Warbler; Dusky Warbler; Red-breasted Flycatcher; Bearded Tit; Marsh Tit; Penduline Tit; Golden Oriole; Great Grey Shrike; Red-backed Shrike; Woodchat Shrike; Chough; Hooded Crow; Rose-coloured Starling; Serin; Parrot Crossbill; Twite (usually lowland records only); Common (Mealy) Redpoll; Common Rosefinch; Hawfinch; Lapland Bunting; Cirl Bunting; Ortolan Bunting; Little Bunting.
Iceland Gull- "Kumlien's Gull" L.g. kumlieni
Yellow Wagtail- all races other than flavissima and any purported hybrids.
Chiffchaff - all races other than P. collybita
If observers are in any doubt as to what constitutes a county or national rarity they should not hesitate to contact the County Recorder.
The County Rarities Committee urges all serious observers, however experienced, to complete rarity forms so that a truly scientific record can be maintained of the county’s avifauna. Observers finding a national or county rarity should take a description in writing and if possible obtain a photograph and find another competent observer to confirm the identification. When submitting a rarity description, observers should include as much possible detail, taken from field notes (which should ideally be included in the submission), bearing in mind that the Rarities Committee can only assess the submission from the information provided by the observer. Line drawings are always useful and greatly appreciated by the committee, no matter how poor the artist perceives them, and can often provide great clarity to the overall submission.
The County Rarities Committee urges all serious observers, however experienced, to complete rarity forms so that a truly scientific record can be maintained of the county’s avifauna. Observers finding a national or county rarity should take a description in writing and if possible obtain a photograph and find another competent observer to confirm the identification. When submitting a rarity description, observers should include as much possible detail, taken from field notes (which should ideally be included in the submission), bearing in mind that the Rarities Committee can only assess the submission from the information provided by the observer. Line drawings are always useful and greatly appreciated by the committee, no matter how poor the artist perceives them, and can often provide great clarity to the overall submission.
The use of digital photographs is increasing dramatically and whilst we would encourage the use of photographs, especially as an addition to a submission, observers should still continue to obtain high quality field notes, even if the submission meets the criteria for assessment by photo only, as field notes may be invaluable in the event of a query. Digital photographs of any quality should be provided to the committee as an email attachment (not included within the text of an email or other document), preferably without any computer enhancement or touch-ups and of any file size bnut preferably as large as possible.
Conventional film photographs and professionally developed digital photographs should be included, preferably of atleast 6’x4’ size and home printed digital photographs are acceptable provided the print quality is of a sufficiently high standard. We would welcome observers requiring advise with any of the above processes to contact Ian McKerchar to discuss the matter.
Further information relating to how and why we should submit rarities can be found on the 'Articles' page of this website, under the 'miscellaneous' section.
Depending on the circumstances, of which the welfare of the bird is paramount at all times, with serious consideration given to access and possible habitat damage, the sighting may be reported to one of the commercial bird information services. Observers in any doubt should contact Ian McKerchar on 07958 687481 for advise.
All national rarities should be submitted initially to the County Bird Recorder, Ian McKerchar and NOT directly to BBRC, which enables me to make a copy of the submission and to iron out any queries before it is then forwarded to this very busy committee. This route for submissions is also that preferred and requested by BBRCNo county or national rarity will be accepted unless supported by a description, other than, in the case of an ‘on the nod’ decision of a county rarity, the finder is informed by the County Bird Recorder . All observers, however experienced, are required to submit descriptions: it would be invidious to make exceptions. It is imperative that observers complete the necessary rarity forms as it is universally accepted that only those records of rarities which are submitted in writing to the appropriate county or national committee will stand as authenticated observations, and can therefore be used for national statistics, conservation purposes etc. It is the function of the county bird report, in each ornithological recording county to maintain a definitive list of authenticated records. This list may of course contradict records received in clubs or site reports. Other records of unusual birds may, at the discretion of the County Rarities Committee require a description, and in any case, records of rarer, non-description species will only be accepted with an observer's name attached (i.e. mentions on site wardens' lists, birdline, magazines and pager reports will not be sufficient). In influx years, the requirement for a description may be suspended at short notice by the Committee. The committee may also ask for descriptions to be submitted for any other record, e.g. exceptionally early or late migrants, species seen away from normal habitats.
Conventional film photographs and professionally developed digital photographs should be included, preferably of atleast 6’x4’ size and home printed digital photographs are acceptable provided the print quality is of a sufficiently high standard. We would welcome observers requiring advise with any of the above processes to contact Ian McKerchar to discuss the matter.
Further information relating to how and why we should submit rarities can be found on the 'Articles' page of this website, under the 'miscellaneous' section.
Depending on the circumstances, of which the welfare of the bird is paramount at all times, with serious consideration given to access and possible habitat damage, the sighting may be reported to one of the commercial bird information services. Observers in any doubt should contact Ian McKerchar on 07958 687481 for advise.
All national rarities should be submitted initially to the County Bird Recorder, Ian McKerchar and NOT directly to BBRC, which enables me to make a copy of the submission and to iron out any queries before it is then forwarded to this very busy committee. This route for submissions is also that preferred and requested by BBRCNo county or national rarity will be accepted unless supported by a description, other than, in the case of an ‘on the nod’ decision of a county rarity, the finder is informed by the County Bird Recorder . All observers, however experienced, are required to submit descriptions: it would be invidious to make exceptions. It is imperative that observers complete the necessary rarity forms as it is universally accepted that only those records of rarities which are submitted in writing to the appropriate county or national committee will stand as authenticated observations, and can therefore be used for national statistics, conservation purposes etc. It is the function of the county bird report, in each ornithological recording county to maintain a definitive list of authenticated records. This list may of course contradict records received in clubs or site reports. Other records of unusual birds may, at the discretion of the County Rarities Committee require a description, and in any case, records of rarer, non-description species will only be accepted with an observer's name attached (i.e. mentions on site wardens' lists, birdline, magazines and pager reports will not be sufficient). In influx years, the requirement for a description may be suspended at short notice by the Committee. The committee may also ask for descriptions to be submitted for any other record, e.g. exceptionally early or late migrants, species seen away from normal habitats.
Rarity submissions assessed by the County or National Rarity Committees will be updated to the relevant year as and when they have been circulated and a decision reached. Any records which have been submitted but do not yet appear on the lists are most likely still in circulation but please contact me to check if necessary. Records not submitted or notified to the County Recorder by their finder are denoted with 'per CR'.
Whilst a short explanation has been given for any records found not proven, I encourage observers of those records to contact me to discuss them further and will endeavour to provide a fuller and more detailed reasoning wherever possible. Observers noticing any errors (credited observers, age/sex and dates, particularly final sighting dates) should also contact me so they can be corrected.
Whilst a short explanation has been given for any records found not proven, I encourage observers of those records to contact me to discuss them further and will endeavour to provide a fuller and more detailed reasoning wherever possible. Observers noticing any errors (credited observers, age/sex and dates, particularly final sighting dates) should also contact me so they can be corrected.
WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE, Pennington Flash, 2nd April, photo (Paul Brown et al.)
SMEW, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 15th December, photo (Karen Foulkes et al.)
Elton Reservoir, 7th December, photo (Chris Brown et al.)
GREAT NORTHERN DIVER, Castleshaw Reservoirs, 9th December, photo (per County Recorder)
Horrock's Flash, 28th November, photo (John Williams)
MANX SHEARWATER, Hollingworth Lake, 8th October, found dead (per Simon Hitchen)
LEACH'S PETREL, Pennington Flash, 13th September, photo (Bill Harrison et al.)
GANNET, Castleshaw Reservoirs, 9th October, immature (Mark Rigby)
Horwich Moors, 11th September, juvenile (Andy Makin)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Heaton Mersey, 17th February (Kenny Dummigan)
Lightshaw Hall Flash, 9th April, photo (Rob Thorpe et al.)
SPOONBILL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 2nd May (Andy Bissitt, Roy Travis)
RED-NECKED GREBE, Pennington Flash, 26th July, photo (Bill Harrison et al.)
SLAVONIAN GREBE, Hollingworth Lake, 31st January (Simon Hitchen et al.)
RED KITE, Altrincham, 25th May (Drayton O'Connor)
Astley Moss, 26th May, photo (Wayne Jones)
Astley Moss East, 21st May (Pete Berry)
Billinge Plantations, 13th May (Chris Derbyshire)
Burnt Edge, Horwich Moors, 29th September (Andy Makin)
Castleshaw Reservoirs, 9th October (Mark Rigby et al.)
Chat Moss, 24th October (Dave Steel)
Chorlton-cum-Hardy, 26th May (Gervase Crook)
Cow Lane, Hollingworth, 26th May (Rob and Sonia Adderley)
Hale Barns, 13th September (Henry Cook)
Highfield Moss, 27th September (Nick Isherwood)
Longden Clough, 27th May (Yvonne Mynett)
Lowton, 28th September (Andrew Swift)
Pennington Flash, 4th June, photo (Cliff Hampson)
ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD, Hollingworth, Hyde, 15th February (Iain Johnson, John Rayner, Mark Rigby et al.)
CRANE, Astley Moss (2), 24th February, thereafter also on Chat Moss, photo (Melanie Beckford, Simon Johnson et al)
AVOCET, Lightshaw Hall Flash (2), 3rd April, ame individuals as below on 2nd April, photo (Roy Rhodes et al.)
Pennington Flash (2), 2nd April, photo (Pete Hines et al.)
Pennington Flash, 12th June, photo (Bill Harrison et al.)
AMERICAN BLACK TERN, Pennington Flash, 1st September, juvenile, photo (Bill Harrison, Ian McKerchar et al.)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs (2), 15th October, adults, photo (Rob Adderley)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 4th December, adult, photo (Sonia Adderley)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 29th December, adult, photo (Sonia Adderley)
Pennington Flash, 9th September, third winter, photo (John Tymon)
Pennington Flash, 11th November, adult, photo (John Tymon)
FIRECREST, Alexandra Park (2), 9th December (Karen Foulkes, Tony O'Mahony, John Rayner, Mark Rigby et al.)
CETTI'S WARBLER, Hawkley Reedbed, 9th September, photo/trapped (Peter Alker)
YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER, Scotmans Flash, 6th October, photo/trapped (Peter Alker)
SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF, Pennington Flash, 17th April, photo (Paul Wilson); accepted only as 'showing characteristics of'.
WILLOW WARBLER Acredula, Orrell Water Park, 26th August, photo/trapped (Peter Alker)
WATER PIPIT, Higher Meadows, Horwich Moors, 11th April (Andy Makin)
SHAG, Etherow CP, 31st January (Incomplete description; Cormorant not eliminated)
GOSHAWK, site withheld, 13th March (Incomplete description)
ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD, Hollingworth, Hyde, 25th February (Incomplete description; failed to eliminate well marked Buzzard and/or similar escaped raptor present in the area)
GREAT SKUA, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 23rd June (Incomplete description; failed to eliminate other species)
ROSEATE TERN, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 30th April, adult (Marginally incomplete description: the committee had full sympathy for the observer, in that his description provided clearly seemed to possibly indicate this species but ultimately felt that its identification could not be fully confirmed beyond all reasonable doubt)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Gorton Reservoirs, 2nd February, adult (Incomplete description; little detail which failed to eliminate Lesser Black-backed Gull or a hybrid)
KUMLIEN'S GULL, Pennington Flash, 19th February, second winter, photo (well marked Iceland could not be eliminated)
GOLDEN ORIOLE, Heaton Norris, 23rd May, male (Confirmed hoax)
RED-BACKED SHRIKE, Houghton Dale, 27th May, male (Incomplete description; little detail provided)
MARSH TIT, Droylsden, 8th October (Description failed to eliminate Willow Tit)
CETTI'S WARBLER, Hawkley Reedbed (2), 13th April (Incomplete description; important details not noted)
Horrock's Flash, 5th May (Incomplete description; no detail provided)
GREY-HEADED WAGTAIL, Elton Reservoir, 15th May (Considered to be an intergrade)
Kingsway Business Park, 19th May (Description failed to eliminate intergrade)
TWITE, Middleton, 29th September (Marginally incomplete description)
LAPLAND BUNTING, Edge Lane, Horwich Moors, 14th October (Heard only in flight)
Dean Ditch, Horwich Moors, 7th October (Heard only in flight)
Horwich Moors, 6th October (Heard only in flight)
BEWICK'S SWAN, Woodford, 28th March (Jack Canovan, John Rayner et al.)
BARNACLE GOOSE, Pennington Flash (8), 10th October, photo (Richard Belter, Bill Harrison et al.)
BRENT GOOSE (dark-bellied), Audenshaw Reservoirs/Denton, 27th February, photo (Simon Ghilks et al.)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 3rd March, photo (Paul Hammond)
Horwich Moors (26), 28th February (Andy Makin)
Rumworth, 7th February, photo (Steve Almond et al.)
Woodford, 14th February (Jack Canovan)
RING-NECKED DUCK, Heaton Park Boating Lake, 17th February, female, photo (Simon Johnson et al)
LESSER SCAUP, Pennington Flash, 17th October, eclipse drake, photo (Ian McKerchar, John Tymon et al.)
LONG-TAILED DUCK, Ringley ETW, 25th May, female/immature, photo (Steve Christmas et al.)
SMEW, Pennington Flash, 21st February, two males and a female, photo (Barry Hulme et al.)
RED-THROATED DIVER, Pennington Flash (2), 10th October, photo (Ian McKerchar et al.)
BLACK-THROATED DIVER, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 25th December, photo (Roy Travis et al.)
GANNET, Heaton Park Reservoir (4), 11th October (Simon Johnson)
Lowton, 11th October (Nick Isherwood)
SHAG, Hollingworth Lake (2), 24th October, photo (Simon Hitchen)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Withins Reservoir, 11th May (Simon Johnson, Paul Wilson)
GLOSSY IBIS, Horwich Moors (4), 27th September, photo (Ken Haydock et al.)
Aspull, 29th December to 2nd February 2014, photo (Stephen Gaskell et al.)
RED-NECKED GREBE, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 27th September (Karen Foulkes, Bill Harrison, Mike Passant)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 6th October, photo (per County Recorder)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 12th October (rob Adderley et al.)
SLAVONIAN GREBE, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 7th February, photo (John Ireland et al.)
Pennington Flash, 29th December, photo (Barry Hulme et al.)
RED KITE, Altrincham ETW, 29th June (Chris Greene)
Bedford, Leigh, 7th June, photo (Joe Wynn)
Hollingworth Hall Farm, 30th March (Iain Johnson)
Jacksons Bridge, 1st April (Chris Honer)
Sunderland Green, 27th May (Dennis Latham)
Spring Mill Reservoir, 19th April (Dave Ousey)
CRANE, Little Wooden Moss (2), 25th March, photo, (Michael Willett et al.)
Bedford Moss, 27th April, photo (Peter Harrison)
LITTLE STINT, Rumworth, 17th May, photo (Phil Rhodes et al.)
PECTORAL SANDPIPER, Rumworth, 12th September, photo (Steve Almond, Simon Warford et al.)
GREAT SKUA, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 30th September, photo (Simon Ghilks et al.)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 1st January, third winter, photo (Rob Adderley)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 9th January, third winter, photo (Rob Adderley)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 28th March, second winter (Henry Cook, Mike Duckham)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 5th April, third winter, photo (Rob Adderley)
Audenshaw Reservoirs (2), 12th September, adults (Gary Crowder)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 26th September, adult, photo (Gary Crowder)
Castleshaw Reservoirs, 19th December, adult, photo (Mark Rigby)
Heaton Park Reservoir (2), 18th August, adults, photo (Pete Berry)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 7th December, third winter, photo (Pete Berry)
Pennington Flas, 19th January, adult (Paul Brown)
Pennington Flash, 9th March, adult, photo (John Tymon)
Pennington Flash, 11th October, adult, photo (James Walsh)
Pennington Flash, 30th November, third winter, photo (John Tymon)
TURTLE DOVE, Castleshaw Reservoirs, 23rd September, photo (Stuart Rothery et al.)
GREAT GREY SHRIKE, Rindle, Astley Moss, 20th October, photo (Dave Thacker et al.)
CETTI'S WARBLER, Pennington Flash, 31st October, sound recorded (Charlie Owen at al.)
Wigan Flashes (3), present all year, (per County Recorder)
SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF, Wince Brook NR, Middleton, photo/sound recorded (Paul Hurst et al.)
BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 19th April, male, photo (Roy Travis et al.)
CHANNEL WAGTAIL, Altrincham ETW, 1st May, male, photo (Anthony McLean et al.)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 25th April, male, photo (Rob Adderley, John Ireland et al.)
HAWFINCH, Horwich Moors, 14th September (Andy Makin)
LESSER CANADA GOOSE, Salford Quays, 17th June, photo (Small female canadensis could not be eliminated)
EIDER, Salford Quays, 2nd January (No description provided)
GLOSSY IBIS, Dunham, 3rd November (No description provided)
RED KITE, Dunwood Park, Shaw (2), early April (Incomplete description: very little detail, failed to eliminate Buzzard)
GOSHAWK, site withheld, 10th April (Incomplete description; little to no detail provided)
site withheld (2), 14th March (Marginally incomplete description)
COMMON CRANE, Elton Reservoir, 9th September (Withdrawn by the observer)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 20th November, adult (Incomplete description; failed to eliminate argentatus Herring Gull or hybrid)
Pennington Flash, 2nd November, first winter, photo (Confirmed as a second winter Lesser Black-backed Gull)
CASPIAN GULL, Pilsworth Tip, 3rd February, adult, photo (Failed to confirm the identification with a full suite of requisite features and hybrid could not eliminated)
RED-BACKED SHRIKE, Bickershaw Rucks, 6th June (Incomplete description)
MARSH TIT, Wigan Flashes, 17th January (Incomplete description and transcription of call; failed to eliminate Willow Tit)
YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER, Stalybridge, 10th March (Incomplete description; little detail provided)
BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL, Carrington Moss, 3rd May, male (Withdrawn by the observer; considered to be Channel Wagtail)
TWITE, Elton Reservoir, 14th August (Incomplete description)
BRENT GOOSE, Horwich Moors (20), 2nd November (Andy Makin, Simon Warford)
LONG-TAILED DUCK, Elton reservoir, 17th November, female/immature, photo (Steve Higginbottom et al.)
Heaton Park Reservoir (3), 22nd October, female/immature, photo (Simon Johnson et al.)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 5th November, male, photo (Simon Johnson)
Pennington Flash, 25th April, female/immature, photo (Richard Belter, Barry Hulme et al.)
GANNET, Lees, 23rd August, adult (Mark Rigby)
LITTLE BITTERN, Elton reservoir, 25th May, male, photo (Brian Fielding et al.)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Horwich, 24th October (Ken Haydock, Andy Makin, Jill Mills)
BLACK STORK, Horwich Moors, 26th May (Andy Makin)
GLOSSY IBIS, Horrock's Flash, 5th February to 29th May, same individual as Aspull/Hindley, photo (per County Recorder)
Pennington Green, Aspull/Hindley, 29th December 2013 to 11th February), photo (per County Recorder)
HONEY BUZZARD, Cutacre, 23rd September (Simon Johnson, Simon Warford)
RED KITE, Burnt Edge, 26th May (Ian Woosey)
Carrington Moss, 2nd August (Jeff Clarke)
Featherbed Moss, 19th June (Mark Rigby)
Rindle, Astley Moss, 19th May, photo (Ian McKerchar)
Sale Water Park, 14th March, photo (Steven Burke)
Smithills Moor, 13th September (Andy Makin, Alan Warford, Simon Warford)
ROUCH-LEGGED BUZZARD, Greenfield, 31st October, juvenile (Steve Suttill)
Saddleworth Moor, 25th November, two juveniles, photo (Gary Crowder, Mark Rigby et al.)
Saddleworth Moor, 10th November, male (Andy Makin et al.)
AVOCET, Elton Reservoir, 13th May (Brian Fielding, Paul Wilson et al.)
Pennington Flash (2), 19th June (Barry Hulme et al.)
LITTLE STINT, Pennington Flash, 18th September, juvenile, photo (Bill Harrison et al.)
GREY PHALAROPE, Heaton Park Reservoir (2), 22nd October (Rob Adderley et al.)
WHITE-WINGED BLACK TERN, Elton Reservoir (2), 17th May, adults, photo (Ian Campbell et al.)
RING-BILLED GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 25th January, second winter, photo (Gary Crowder et al.)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 12th January to 17th March, third winter, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Kingsway, 12th January, adult, photo (Simon Hitchen)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 9th February, adult, photo (Pete Berry, Ian McKerchar)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 15th and 16th February, adult, photo (Pete Berry , Ian McKerchar)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 3rd and 8th March, first winter, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 18th August, adult, photo (Rob Adderley)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 9th February, photo (Pete Berry, Ian McKerchar)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 15th February, adult, photo (Pete Berry, Ian McKerchar)
Heaton Park Reservoir (2), 11th December, second and fourth winters, photos (Pete Berry, Ian McKerchar)
Heaton Park Reservoir (2), 16th December, third and fourth winters, photos (Pete Berry, Ian McKerchar)
CASPIAN GULL, Heaton Park Reservoir, 9th and 27th December, adult, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 30th December, second winter, photo (Paul Wren et al.)
KUMLIEN'S GULL, Heaton Park Reservoir, 16th February, third winter, photo (Pete Berry, Ian McKerchar)
GREAT GREY SHRIKE, Watergrove Reservoir, 4th April, photo (Alan Nutall et al.)
MARSH TIT, Watergrove Reservoir, 21st October, photo (Steve Atkins et al.)
CETTI'S WARBLER, Parson's Meadow, Wigan, 8th December (Dave Broome)
SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF, Scotmans Flash, 15th April, photo/trapped (Peter Alker)
BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 1st May, male, photo (Paul Wren)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 2nd May, male, photo (Roy Travis)
TWITE, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 5th October, photo (Gary Crowder)
COMMON REDPOLL, Longshaw, 1st March, photo/trapped (Peter Alker)
Walkden, 4th January, photo (Michael David)
Walkden, 1st March, photo (Michael David)
Walkden, 18th March, photo (Michael David)
Walkden, 26th March, photo (Michael David)
Walkden (2), 29th March, photo/trapped (Michael David)
TWO-BARRED CROSSBILL, Binn Green, 30th March, photo (John Parker et al.)
GOSHAWK, site withheld, 9th March (Incomplete description)
site withheld, 7th September (Incomplete description)
CRANE, Worsley Woods, 16th March (Incomplete description: very little detail provided)
TEMMINCK'S STINT, Elton Reservoir, 31st July (Incomplete description; the committee had much sympathy for the observers who provided an honest description of what they had seen but felt it failed to confirm the identification beyond reasonable doubt)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs (6), 29th December (Incomplete descriptions; failed to describe important features, including primary patterns/leg colours)
Elton Reservoir, 20th December, adult (Incomplete description: failed to describe primary pattern, nor to exclude argentatus Herring Gull or hybrids)
Elton Reservoir, 27th December, adult, photo (Photos inconclusive, wing detail not portrayed)
Pennington Flash, 15th February, adult (Incomplete description; little detail, failed to describe structural features or pattern of primaries)
CASPIAN GULL, Heaton Park Reservoir, 9th December, third winter, photo (Bird displayed potential hybrid features)
Pennington Flash, 2nd December, adult (Incompete description; failed to describe primary pattern)
TURTLE DOVE, Carrington Moss, 4th June (Incomplete description; little detail provided)
LESSER WHITETHROAT eastern race, Hulme, January, photo (photos inconclusive)
Timperley, 2nd March, photo (photos inconclusive)
GARGANEY, Pennington Flash, 20th January to 9th February, female, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
LONG-TAILED DUCK, Elton Reservoir, 16th February, photo (Ian Campbell et al)
Pearson's Flash, 1st May, immature drake, photo (Rob Thorpe, Terry Thorpe et al)
GREAT NORTHERN DIVER, Elton Reservoir, 9th November, juvenile, photo (Ian Campbell et al)
Salford Quays, 13th December, juvenile, photo (Nick Hilton et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 14th November, juvenile, photo (Pete Wooley et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 6th December, juvenile, photo (per County Recorder)
SHAG, Pennington Flash, 18th November, juvenile, photo (per County Recorder)
Hollingworth Lake, 17th November, juvenile, photo (Simon Hitchen et al)
RED-NECKED GREBE, Pennington Flash, 14th March, adult, photo (Dave Sherington et al)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Elton Reservoir, 29th September (Ian Campbell, Brian Fielding)
RED KITE, Bickershaw Rucks, 11th May (Bernard McGurrin)
Chelburn Reservoirs, 28th April (Alan Nuttall)
Flexion, 16th June (Kevin McCabe)
Haigh, 25th June (Judith Smith et al)
Holcombe Moor, 11th June (Steven Higginbottom)
Horwich Moors, 27th September (Ken Haydock, Jill Mills)
Kingsway, 13th October, photo (Deon Meadwocroft)
Saddleworth Moor, 22nd March (Steve Suttill)
GOSHAWK, site withheld, 4th June (observer withheld)
STONE CURLEW, Little Woolden Moss, 11th May, photo (Dave Steel et al)
TEMMINCK'S STINT, Heaton Park Reservoir, 12th May, photo (Simon Johnson)
POMERINE SKUA, Salford Quays, 6th May (Steven Burke)
ARCTIC SKUA, Horwich Moors, 17th September (Andy Makin)
SABINE'S GULL, Pennington Flash, 5th August, second summer, photo (Bill Harrison et al)
RING-BILLED GULL, Rumworth Lodge, 18th February, adult, photo (Phil Rhodes)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Heaton Park Reservoir, 10th January, adult, photo (Pete Berry)
Castleshaw Reservoir, 20th January, adult, photo (Mark Rigby)
Castleshaw Reservoirs, 7th February, third winter, photo (Mark Rigby)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 27th February, third winter, photo (Pete Berry)
Elton Reservoir, 2nd to 8th March, third winter, photo (Ian Campbell, Steve Higginbottom, Simon Warford et al)
Scotmans Flash, 2nd March, second winter, photo (Dave Broome)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 15th March, second winter, photo (Pete Berry)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 18th March, adult, photo (Pete Berry)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 21st and 22nd July, fourth summer, photo (Simon Johnson)
CASPIAN GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 7th February, second winter, photo, same individual from December 2015 (Iain Johnson)
HOOPOE, Tandle Hills, Royton, photo (Mike Ausberger et al)
RED-RUMPED SWALLOW, Heaton Park Reservoir (2), 17th April, photo (Simon Johnson et al)
CETTI'S WARBLER, Dover Basin, 12th March, sound recorded (Judith Smith et al)
BONELLI'S WARBLER, Higher End, Billinge, 31st August, photo (Damian Pendlebury)
BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL, Chat Moss, 31st May, male (Dave Steel)
RED-THROATED PIPIT, Ludworth Moor, 3rd May, adult, photo (John Rayner et al)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Heaton Morris, 12th October (Incomplete description which failed to express important features which might be expected)
BLACK KITE, Carrington Moss, 4th June (Incomplete description; insufficient views and little detail to confirm identification, commoner species not eliminiated)
ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD, Pots and Pans, Greenfield (2), 24th April, photo (Photos provided failed to eliminate Common Buzzard)
CRANE, Leigh, 30th August (Incomplete description; very little detail provided)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Pennington Flash, 18th January, 18th January, photo (re-identified from photos as an argentatus Herring Gull)
Pennington Flash, 25th January, photo (Re-identified from photos as an argentatus Herring Gull)
Elton Reservoir, 9th February, photo (Re-identified from photos as an argentatus Herring Gull)
Stretford, 28th June, second summer (Incomplete description; little detail provided failed to eliminate other species)
CASPIAN GULL, Heaton Park Reservoir, 18th December, first winter (Incomplete description; seen at distance which contributed in failing to describe important features including scapulars and greater coverts which would contribute to eliminating other species)
NIGHTJAR, Maypole Colliery Woods, Abram, 9th September (Incomplete description)
MARSH TIT, Pennington Flash, 6th November (Incomplete description; call heard but not transcribed)
LONG-TAILED DUCK, Blackstone Edge Reservoir, 20th to 22nd October, photo (per County Recorder)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 9th November to 29th April 2017, photo (per County Recorder)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 10th November to 29th April 2017, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Pennington Flash, 12th November, photo (John Tymon et al)
SMEW, Heaton Park Reservoirs (2), 19th January, female/Immatures, photo (Simon Johnson et al)
RED-THROATED DIVER, Hollingworth Lake, 29th October, photo (Simon Hitchen et al)
Pennington Flash, 31st October, photo (Bill Harrison et al)
GREAT NORTHERN DIVER, Castleshaw Reservoirs, 27th January to 23rd May, juvenile, photo (Mark Rigby et al)
MANX SHEARWATER, Pennington Flash, 3rd October, photo (Bill Harrison et al)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Red Moss SSSI, 13th September, photo (Ken Haydock, Jill Mills)
Worsley Moss, 17th May (Pete Berry, Ian McKerchar)
SPOONBILL, Horwich Moors (3), 31st May (Andy Makin)
Astley, 8th June (Ian McKerchar)
HONEY BUZZARD, Horwich Moors, 30th September (Andy Makin)
KENTISH PLOVER, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 25th to 26th April, male, photo (Rob Adderley et al); same individual again 6th May, photo (Simon Ghilks et al)
PURPLE SANDPIPER, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 29th October (Dave Broome)
CURLEW SANDPIPER, Elton Reservoir, 22nd May, adult, photo (Simon Warford et al)
Little Woolden Moss (10), 5th September, juveniles, photo (David Steel et al)
LITTLE STINT, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 6th May, adult, photo (Jeff Bergum et al)
Little Woolden Moss, 7th September, juvenile, photo (per County Recorder)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Pennington Flash, 3rd January, first winter (John Tymon et al)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 5th January, adult, photo (Rob Creek et al)
Pennington Flash, 3rd February, third winter, photo (Dave Broome, Ian McKerchar)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 3rd March, adult, photo (Pete Berry, Simon Johnson)
Little Woolden Moss, 16th May, third summer, photo (Ian McKerchar)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 5th August, adult, photo (Simon Johnson)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 13th August, adult, photo (Rob Creek et al)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 5th December, adult, photo (Pete Berry, Ian McKerchar)
Heaton Park Reservoir (3), 8th December, adults, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 8th December, first winter, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
CASPIAN GULL, Heaton Park Reservoir, 3rd March, first winter, photo (Rob and Sonia Adderley)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 5th to 6th December, adult, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 26th December, first winter, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
ROSEATE TERN, Pennington Flash, 17th May, colour-ringed adult, photo (Paul Brown et al)
WHITE-WINGED BLACK TERN, High Rid Reservoir, 11th to 15th September, juvenile, photo (Colin Davies, Phil Rhodes et al)
BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 6th April, male, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER, Pennington Flash, 8th to 9th October (Colin Davies et al)
Vimto Park, Manchester City Centre, 12th to 13th October, photo (Alex Lees et al)
Dobcross, 16th October, photo, trapped and ringed (Margaret Rawlins)
Pennington Flash (2), 17th to 20th October (Paul Brown, Pete Hines, Tim Wilcox et al)
BEARDED TIT, Pennington Flash (2), 19th October, adult male and female, photo (Bernard Hatton)
GREAT GREY SHRIKE, Platt House Farm, Glazebury, 7th November, photo (David Steel et al)
Stretford Meadows, 17th April, photo (Peter Reeves)
LAPLAND BUNTING, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 15th October, photo (Peter Nolan Woolley)
CRANE, Alexandra Park, 9th April, photo (Re-identified from photo as a Grey Heron)
HONEY BUZZARD, Douglas Valley, 15th August (Incomplete description; very little to no detail)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Elton Reservoir, 24th February, adult, photo (Bird was re-identified from photos as a Lesser Black-backed Gull)
Stretford, 19th August, third summer (Incomplete description and leg colour incorrect for the submitted age group)
MARSH TIT, Urmston, 14th September (Incomplete description from a very brief observation)
BARNACLE GOOSE, Elton Reservoir (45), same later Horwich Moors, 8th October (Simon Johnson, Phil Rhodes, Simon Warford)
SMEW, Horrocks Flash, 18th November, redhead, photo (Rob Thorpe et al)
Elton Reservoir, 17th December, drake, photo (Steven Higginbottom et al)
LONG-TAILED DUCK, Heaton Park Reservoir, 13th March, photo (Simon Johnson)
Upper Gorton Reservoir, 4th to 19th April, female, photo (Alan Hunter et al)
Scotmans Flash, 8th to 12th April, first winter drake, same individual as from Pennington Flash in 2016/17, photo (Ken Dunning et al)
Walmersley, 21st June to 6th July, photo (Peter Whitehead et al)
CATTLE EGRET, Winstanley (4), 23rd April, photo (per County Recorder)
Pennington Flash, 22nd June, photo, same individual as later seen the same day at Lightshaw Hall Flash (Bill Harrison et al)
Lightshaw Hall Flash, 22nd June, photo, same individual as seen earlier the same day at Pennington Flash (Judith Smith et al)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Horrocks Flash, 3rd to 21st January, photo (Geoff Hargreaves et al)
Crime Lake, 23rd September, photo, same bird as later seen at Hollingworth Lake (Trevor Parry et al)
Hollingworth Lake, 23rd September, photo (Peter Lord)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 19th October, photo (John Rayner et al)
CRANE, Little Woolden Moss, 3rd May, photo (Andy Bissit, Dave Steel, Simon Warford)
DUNLIN, Little Woolden Moss, 17th May, adult showing characteristics of the race arctica, photo (Ian McKerchar)
LITTLE STINT, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 13th September, juvenile, photo (Paul Wren et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 16th to 20th September, juvenile, photo (per County Recorder)
Little Woolden Moss, 22nd September, juvenile, photo (Dave Broome)
BAIRD'S SANDPIPER (BBRC accepted), Warland Reservoir, 14th and 15th September, juvenile, photo (Brian Fielding, Andy Makin, John Rayner, Mark Rigby)
GREY PHALAROPE, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 6th to 10th October, photo (per County Recorder)
KUMLIEN'S GULL, Heaton Park Reservoir, 28th January intermittently until 4th March, juvenile, (Pete Berry); same individual also seen at Pilsworth intermittently, 4th to 8th March, photo (Pete Berry, Dave Broome)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Heaton Park Reservoir (2), adults, photo (Pete Berry, Ian McKerchar et al)
Pennington Flash, 20th January to 16th March, second winter, photo (Pete Berry et al); considered to be the same individual returned to Pennington Flash, 14th October into 2018, third winter, photo (John Tymon et al)
Pennington Flash, 21st January, adult, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Openshaw, 23rd January, adult, photo (Rob Creek)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 6th February, adult, photo (Pete Berry, Ian McKerchar)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 22nd February, third winter, photo (Rob Creek)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 1st March, adult, photo; same individual also present 15th November into 2018 (Rob Adderley)
Pennington Flash, 4th March, second winter, photo (John Tymon)
Pilsworth, 4th to 8th March, second winter, photo (Dave Broome)
Openshaw, 11th July, adults, two present on 25th July, three present on 14th November, photo (Rob Creek et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 24th July, adult, photo (Rob Adderley)
Pennington Flash, 27th October into 2018, second winter, photo (Ian McKerchar, John Tymon et al)
Sale Water Park, 2nd November to 27th December, adult, photo (Rob Creek et al)
Pennington Flash, 3rd to 18th November, adult, photo (Colin Davies, John Tymon et al)
Pennington Flash, 24th November, adult, photo (Colin Davies, John Tymon)
Pennington Flash, 30th November, 30th November, adult, photo (Pete Berry, Ian McKerchar)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 3rd December into 2018, adult, photo (Rob Adderley)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 8th December, adult, photo (Rob Adderley)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 8th December, third winter, photo (Rob Adderley)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 8th December, second winter, photo (Rob Adderley)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 16th December, adult, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Pennington Flash, 27th December into 2018, adult, photo (John Tymon et al)
CASPIAN GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 1st January to 14th February, first winter, photo (Rob Adderley et al); also seen Cowlinshaw, Oldham, 12th February, photo (Gary Crowder et al); considered to be the same individual returned to Audenshaw Reservoirs, 1st December to 7th February 2018, second winter, photo, (Rob Adderley, Simon Ghilks, Paul Wren et al)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 4th January, adult, photo (Ian McKerchar et al); same adult seen and accepted at Heaton Park Reservoir, 5th to 6th December 2016
Heaton Park Reservoir, 29th November, second winter, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Pennington Flash, 10th December, second winter, same ringed individual (X106) as at Heaton Park Reservoir on 26th December 2016, photo (John Tymon et al)
NIGHTJAR, Cock Narr, Stalybridge, 13th June to 3rd August, male (Karen Foulkes et al)
location withheld, 19th June to 3rd July, male (observer withheld)
location withheld, 16th July to 14th August, male (observer withheld)
CHANNEL WAGTAIL (flavissima x flava hybrid), Little Woolden Moss, 23rd May to 9th July, male, photo (Dave Steel et al)
YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER, Delph, 23rd to 27th September (Kath and Phil Butterworth et al)
HAWFINCH, Scout Road, Horwich Moors, 16th October (Andy Makin, Simon Warford)
Scout Road, Horwich Moors, 18th October (Andy Makin, Simon Warford)
Scout Road, Horwich Moors, 20th October (Andy Makin, Simon Warford)
Elton Reservoir (4), 21st October (Simon Johnson)
Scout Road, Horwich Moors, 21st October (Andy Makin, Simon Warford)
Scout Road (2), Horwich Moors, 23rd October (Andy Makin)
Romiley (4), 24th October (Andy Bissit)
Scout Road, Horwich Moors (4), 25th October (Rick Else, Andy Makin, Phil Rhodes, Simon Warford)
Elton Reservoir (4), 27th October (Simon Johnson)
Elton Reservoir (11), 28th October (Simon Warford et al)
Elton Reservoir, 29th October (Steven Higginbottom)
Higher Meadows, Horwich Moors (15), 29th October)
Scout Road, Horwich Moors, 29th October (Phil Rhodes, Simon Warford et al)
Pennington Flash, 29th October (Ian McKerchar)
Higher Meadows, Horwich Moors (16 in total; in flocks of 1, 4 and 11), 30th October (Andy Makin)
Scout Road, Horwich Moors (22), 30th October (Dan Brown, Brian Fielding, John Rayner, Simon Warford et al)
Elton Reservoir (5), 30th October (Simon Johnson)
Scout Road, Horwich Moors (2), 31st October, photo (Brian Fielding, Andy Makin, Simon Warford et al)
Scout Road, Horwich Moors (16), 2nd November (Andy Makin, Rick McCloud, Simon Warford et al)
Higher End, Billinge, 1st November (Dave Broome)
Ludworth Moor (2), 2nd to 3rd November, photo (John Rayner et al)
Hawfinch, 12th November (Simon Johnson)
Scout Road, Horwich Moors, 13th November (Andy Makin)
Elton Reservoir (2), 21st November (Ian Campbell)
William Wroe Golf Course, Flixton, 2nd to 12th December, photo (Steve Scrimgeour et al)
LAPLAND BUNTING, Elton Reservoir, 28th October (Simon Johnson)
BLACK KITE, Northenden, 14th July (Incomplete description; little detail to support the identification and other similar species not eliminated)
ARCTIC SKUA, Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 25th October (lack of any description)
RING-BILLED GULL, Pennington Flash, 20th January, second winter, photo (Bird was re-identified from photos as a Herring Gull)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Heaton Park Reservoir, 28th January, third winter, photo (Images supplied inconclusive and failed to fully support the identification)
Pennington Flash, 4th February, third winter, photo (Incomplete description; description provided lacked any detail in supportive features and head markings in images cast doubt on the identification)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 19th July, second summer, photo (Incomplete description; evidence in description and photo inconclusive)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 18th October, adult, photo (Re-identified from images as an argentatus Herring Gull)
Pennington Flash, 4th November, first winter, photo (re-identified from images as a Lesser Black-backed Gull)
Pennington Flash, 18th November, third winter, photo (Photos marginally inconclusive in supporting the identification)
Stretford, 29th December, adult (Incomplete description; little detail, particularly of important identification features)
CASPIAN GULL, Pennington Flash, 24th November, adult, photo (Re-identified from images as Yellow-legged Gull)
Pennington Flash, 14th December, second winter (Incomplete description; little to no detail provided)
Pennington Flash, 16th December, third winter, photo (Important identification features in images incorrect for Caspian Gull; hybrid Caspian x Herring Gull could not be ruled but could also not be fully supported by features within the images)
Pennington Flash, 21st December, first winter, photo (Re-identified from images as a second winter Herring Gull)
TWITE, Audenshaw Reservoirs (14), 7th October (Incomplete description; insufficient detail which failed to describe important identification features)
Audenshaw Reservoirs (5), 8th October (Description failed to conclusively prove the identification)
HAWFINCH, Dunham Massey, 4th November (Incomplete description; insufficient detail and lack of clarity on features mentioned within submission failed to confirm the identification)
BEWICK'S SWAN, Rumworth Lodge, 6th March, adult, photo (Steve Almond, Keith Mills et al)
BRENT GOOSE, Audenshaw Reservoirs (3), 17th November, photo (Pete Nolan et al)
GREEN-WINGED TEAL, Pennington Flash, 8th April, drake, photo (Gordon Newman et al)
VELVET SCOTER, High Rid Reservoir, 24th November onwards, juvenile, photo (Phil Rhodes et al)
SMEW, Scotmans Flash (also seen on Pearsons Flash), 17th February onwards, drake, photo (Judith Smith et al)
Warmersley Pagefield Marshes, 7th March, drake, same individual as at Scotmans Flash, photo (Fred Fouracre et al)
Castleshaw Reservoirs, 10th to 17th November, female/immature, photo (per County Recorder)
MANX SHEARWATER, Partington, 13th September, photo (Susan Hatch)
CATTLE EGRET, location withheld, 23rd April, photo (observer withheld)
Pennington Flash, 27th October (Ian Mckerchar); presumably the same individual again 2nd November, (Craig Higson, Phil Rhodes)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 14th March (Paul Hammond, Pete Woolley)
Rumworth Lodge, 1st September, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Pennington Flash, 12th to 13th October, photo (John Livesey et al)
GLOSSY IBIS, Pennington Flash, 8th May, photo (per County Recorder)
GOSHAWK, Castleshaw Reservoirs, 7th October, female (Andy Platt, Mark Rigby)
AVOCET, Audenshaw Reservoirs (3), 7th April, photo (Paul Wren et al)
CURLEW SANDPIPER, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 9th June, photo (Pete Woolley et al)
TEMMINCK'S STINT, Pennington Flash, 22nd to 26th May, photo (Bill Harrison et al)
LITTLE STINT, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 21st May, photo (Simon Ghilks et al)
SABINE'S GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 22nd September, adult (Tony O'Mahony)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Cutacre, 13th January to 26th February, third winter, photo (Phil Rhodes et al); same individual also at Pennington Flash, 3rd March to 1st April, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Sale Water Park, 30th January, adult, photo (Phil Kelly); same again at Sale Water Park, 13 November to 19th January 2019, photo (Rob Creek at al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 5th February, adult, photo (Rob Adderley)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 7th February, third winter, photo (Rob Adderley)
Moses Gate CP, 28th February, third calendar year, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 17th March, adult (Pete Berry)
Pennington Flash, 23rd May, third calendar year, photo (John Tymon)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 21st June, third calendar year, photo (Rob Adderley)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir (2), 10th July, fourth calendar year and adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 17th March, third calendar year, photo (Rob Archer)
Pennington Flash, 16th September, then again 23rd to 27th October, first calendar year, photo (Ian McKerchar, John Tymon et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 13th October to 19th November, fourth calendar year, photo (Rob Adderley)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 19th to 23rd October, adult, photo (Pete Berry, Ian McKerchar)
Pennington Flash, 28th November to 17th October, third calendar year, photo (Phil Rhodes, John Tymon et al)
Rumworth, 2nd December sporadically to 17th February 2019, third calendar year, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Pennington Flash, 3rd December to 14th January 2019, adult, returning bird from previous years, photo (John Tymon et al)
CASPIAN GULL, Pennington Flash, 4th January onwards, second winter, photo (Dave Broome, John Tymon et al); same individual also Cutacre, 4th February, photo (Phil Rhodes, Simon Warford et al); and also Tyldesley, 13th to 15th February, photo (Dave Broome et al)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 15th January, first winter, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 17th to 21st January, second winter, returning ringed individual (X106) from December 2017 at Heaton Park Reservoir and Pennington Flash respectively, photo (Ian McKerchar et al); also at Cowlinshaw, Oldham, 21st January to 11th February, photo (Gary Crowder et al); returned to Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 1st November, 3rd winter, photo (Rob Archer); also seen Cutacre CP, 1st December, photo (Phil Rhodes); and Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 22nd to 24th December (Rob Creek et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 11th November to 4th February 2019, first winter, photo (Rob Adderley et al); same individual also Redgate Recycling 29th December to 2nd January 2019, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 25th November, first winter, photo (Rob Archer); also seen Heaton Park Reservoir, 3rd December intermittently to 14th December, photo (Ian McKerchar et al); and Pennington Flash, 21st to 24th December, photo (John Tymon et al);
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 30th November to 12th February 2019, sub-adult, photo (per County Recorder)
NIGHTJAR, Location withheld (2), 15th May to 19th August, sound recording (observer withheld)
Location withheld, 1st June (observer withheld)
Location Withheld, 2nd June, sound recording (observer withheld)
Gale Brook, Horwich Moors, 22nd June, sound recording (Andy Makin)
WATER PIPIT, Blackstone Edge Reservoir, 8th April, photo (Simon Hitchen)
BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 26th May, male, photo (Pete Woolley)
SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF, Manchester City Centre, 31st January, photo and sound recorded (Alex Lees)
YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER, Bruntwood Park, Cheadle, 9th November (Richard Belt)
HOODED CROW, Ashton-in-Makerfield, 23rd January to 27th February, photo (Colin Davies et al)
ROSE-COLOURED STARLING, Timperley, 8th to 17th October, juvenile, photo (Ron Rolph et al)
COMMON REDPOLL, Elton Reservoir, 7th January to 3rd February, adult male, photo (Steven Higginbottom, Paul Wilson et al)
Redcliffe, 1st February, adult male, photo, same individual as seen at Elton Reservoir January/February 2018 (Richard Thew)
HAWFINCH, Higher Meadows, Horwich Moors, 20th March (Andy Makin)
LAPLAND BUNTING, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 21st October, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
BRENT GOOSE, Doffcocker (50), 17th October (incomplete description which failed to describe any significant features, nor eliminate other potential species)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Pennington Flash, 12th April (brief sighting and description marginally lacked sufficient detail for acceptance)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Pennington Flash, 4th March, adult, photo (images of primary pattern did not support the identification as this species)
Pennington Flash, 19th to 23rd October, adult, photo (photos failed to support the identification conclusively along with no detail of any wing pattern)
Pennington Flash, 7th to 13th December, adult (primary pattern inconsistent with this species and the bird was suspected as possibly being a hybrid)
Pennington Flash (2), 13th December, adults, photo (both birds were in fact argentatus Herring Gulls)
TWITE, Heaton Mersey, 15th February (description received wholly inconclusive)
RING-NECKED DUCK, Cutacre CP, 5th October, juvenile, photo (Phil Rhodes et al)
LONG-TAILED DUCK, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 20th October to 4th December, immature, photo (per County Recorder)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 13th November to 4th December, immature, photo (Simon Ghilks et al)
MANX SHEARWATER, Salford, 27th September, found dead, photo (per Paul Heaton)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Pennington Flash, 1st April, photo (Nigel Ollett)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 1st July, photo (per County Recorder)
Scout Road, Horwich Moors, 23rd September, photo (Andy Makin)
Pennington Flash, 7th October, photo (Bill Harrison et al)
Springwater Park, Whitefield, (2), 29th October (Simon Johnson)
Royton (3), 30th October, photo (per County Recorder)
Roman Lakes, 31st October to 18th November, photo (Laura Stewart, John Rayner et al)
Cowlinshaw, Oldham, 24th November, photo (Gary Crowder)
Barton Moss, 26th November to 3rd December, photo (per Dave Steel)
CURLEW SANDPIPER, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 25th May, adult, photo (Pete Nolan Woolley et al)
BONAPARTE'S GULL, Heaton Park Reservoir, 26th January, adult (Pete Berry, Simon Johnson)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 1st January, adult (Rob Adderley et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 19th January, adult, photo (Pete Nolan et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 20th to 26th January, third calendar year, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 2nd February, first winter, photo (Pete Nolan et al)
Pennington Flash, 13th February, adult, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 7th June, third calendar year, photo (Rob Archer)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 25th June, adult, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Cutacre CP, 30th June, third calendar year, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 4th July, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Cutacre CP, 5th July to 1st August, adult, photo (Phil Rhodes, Ian McKerchar et al)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 6th to 13th July, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Cutacre, 26th July to 14th August, juvenile, photo (Phil Rhodes et al)
Cutacre, 27th July to 5th August, juvenile, photo (Phil Rhodes et al)
Pennington Flash, 27th July, juvenile, same individual as at Cutacre 27th July to 5th August (Ian McKerchar)
Pilsworth, 5th August, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 6th August, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 30th August, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Pennington Flash, 11th to 14th October, first winter, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Pennington Flash, 18th October, adult, photo, considered to be the returning bird from 2018/2019, last seen Jan 2019 (John Tymon)
Sale WP, 23rd November, second calendar year, photo (Steven Burke)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 25th November to 2nd February 2020, adult, photo (Rob Adderley)
Audenshaw Reservoirs (2), 2nd December, adults, photo, one individual presumably the same as 25th November at this site (Rob Adderley)
Pennington Flash, 10th December, adult, photo (John Tymon)
CASPIAN GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 1st to 4th January, third winter, photo, same colour-ringed (X106) individual as Ashworth Moor Reservoir/Cutacre CP/Redgate Recycling late winter 2018 (Rob Adderley et al); also seen again, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 2nd to 9th December, fourth winter/adult, photo (Rob Adderley et al); and Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 15th December, photo (Dan Gornall)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 4th February, first winter, photo (Rob Adderley)
Cutacre CP, 29th July, fourth calendar year, photo (Ian McKerchar, Phil Rhodes)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 15th November, adult, photo (Rob Adderley)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 22nd November intermittently to 16th December, second winter, photo (Connor Rand et al); same individual also Audenshaw Reservoirs, 8th December, photo (Simon Ghilks et al)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 5th December intermittently to 7th January 2020, first winter, photo (Pete Berry); same individual also Pennington Flash, 24th December intermittently to 15th January 2020, photo (Ian McKerchar, Phil Rhodes)
TURTLE DOVE, Seedley, Salford, 3rd to 4th May, photo (Dave Drinkwater, Alan Quinn)
NIGHTJAR, location withheld, 12th May (Ian McKerchar)
(2) details withheld
ALPINE SWIFT, Leigh, 21st June, caught and released, photo (Rob Brookes et al)
CHANNEL WAGTAIL (flavissima x flava hybrid), Little Woolden Moss, 29th April to 5th June, male, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Worsley Moss, 30th May, male, photo (Ian McKerchar)
Little Woolden Moss, 6th June, male, photo (Dave Steel)
Barton Moss, 25th June, male, considered the same individual as Worsley Moss, 30th May, photo (Dave Steel et al)
BLYTH'S REED WARBLER, Hope Carr, Leigh, 20th January to 25th February, photo, video and sound recording (Phil Rhodes et al)
GREAT GREY SHRIKE, Chat Moss, 30th to 31st March, photo (Dave Steel et al)
ROSE-COLOURED STARLING, Offerton, 23rd March, second calendar year, photo (Donna Seaton)
Elton Reservoir, 29th October, adult (Simon Johnson)
COMMON REDPOLL, Hazel Grove, 4th January, photo (John Rayner)
Watergrove Reservoir, 3rd to 6th April, photo (per County Recorder)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Atherton, 6th to 25th January, adult, photo (images appeared to display an uncharacteristic underside of P10 for this species, which was considered to support it being a probable hybrid); same individual as at Pennington Flash, 7th to 13th December 2018
Pennington Flash, 5th August, adult, photo (image failed to eliminate Lesser Black-backed Gull; no supporting description)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 10th June, adult, photo (photos could not eliminate Lesser Black-backed Gull)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 30th August, adult, photo (inconclusive images, failed to confirm the identification beyond all reasonable doubt)
Redgate, Gorton, 15th November, first winter, photo (incomplete description and images lacked sufficient detail to secure the identification and eliminate other species)
CASPIAN GULL, Pennington Flash, 11th January, third winter, photo (incomplete description; single relatively poor photo submitted portrayed no real pro-Caspian features and submission not backed by any written detail)
Pilsworth, 21st January, first winter, photo, colour ringed individual (ringed in a well known mixed Herring/Caspian Gull colony in Germany which produces a relatively high proportion of hybrid birds and despite at least one of its parents having been considered a Caspian Gull, its pure parentage as such could not be proven and the single photo submitted displayed some features considered to be highly likely to relate to a hybrid bird)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 8th March, adult, photo (marginally incomplete description; despite an overall appearance of Caspian Gull no detail of the open primaries was captured or submitted in writing which the committee felt was necessary in this instance to be confident beyond all reasonable doubt)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 13th July, fourth calendar year/adult, photo (marginally incomplete description; despite an overall appearance of Caspian Gull no detail of the open primaries was captured or submitted in writing which the committee felt was necessary in this instance to be confident beyond all reasonable doubt)
Sale WP, 23rd November, second calendar year, photo (re-identified and accepted as a Yellow-legged Gull from images submitted)
Elton Reservoir, 20th December, first winter (incomplete description; no essential detail of mantle/scapular and wing covert pattern/moult was obtained along with other pro-features necessary for the confirmation of this species)
PALLID SWIFT, Heaton Park Reservoir, 11th to 12th November (assessed by BBRC, found not proven)
MARSH TIT, Elton Reservoir, 10th March (incomplete description; unfortunately brief encounter afforded understandably no plumage detail and vocalisations not sound recorded and insufficiently described)
HOODED CROW, High Rid Reservoir, 6th May, photo (whilst undoubtably possessing Hooded Crow genes, the quality of image obtained failed to eliminate the possibility of hybridisation and in fact, some features hinted towards it though ultimately, it could not be fully confirmed either way)
HAWFINCH, Elton Reservoir, 18th January (incomplete description; insufficient detail and lack of clarity on features mentioned within submission failed to confirm the identification)
RING-NECKED DUCK, Cutacre CP, 5th October, juvenile, photo (Phil Rhodes et al)
LONG-TAILED DUCK, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 20th October to 4th December, immature, photo (per County Recorder)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 13th November to 4th December, immature, photo (Simon Ghilks et al)
MANX SHEARWATER, Salford, 27th September, found dead, photo (per Paul Heaton)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Pennington Flash, 1st April, photo (Nigel Ollett)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 1st July, photo (per County Recorder)
Scout Road, Horwich Moors, 23rd September, photo (Andy Makin)
Pennington Flash, 7th October, photo (Bill Harrison et al)
Springwater Park, Whitefield, (2), 29th October (Simon Johnson)
Royton (3), 30th October, photo (per County Recorder)
Roman Lakes, 31st October to 18th November, photo (Laura Stewart, John Rayner et al)
Cowlinshaw, Oldham, 24th November, photo (Gary Crowder)
Barton Moss, 26th November to 3rd December, photo (per Dave Steel)
CURLEW SANDPIPER, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 25th May, adult, photo (Pete Nolan Woolley et al)
BONAPARTE'S GULL, Heaton Park Reservoir, 26th January, adult (Pete Berry, Simon Johnson)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 1st January, adult (Rob Adderley et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 19th January, adult, photo (Pete Nolan et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 20th to 26th January, third calendar year, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 2nd February, first winter, photo (Pete Nolan et al)
Pennington Flash, 13th February, adult, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 7th June, third calendar year, photo (Rob Archer)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 25th June, adult, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Cutacre CP, 30th June, third calendar year, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 4th July, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Cutacre CP, 5th July to 1st August, adult, photo (Phil Rhodes, Ian McKerchar et al)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 6th to 13th July, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Cutacre, 26th July to 14th August, juvenile, photo (Phil Rhodes et al)
Cutacre, 27th July to 5th August, juvenile, photo (Phil Rhodes et al)
Pennington Flash, 27th July, juvenile, same individual as at Cutacre 27th July to 5th August (Ian McKerchar)
Pilsworth, 5th August, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 6th August, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 30th August, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Pennington Flash, 11th to 14th October, first winter, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Pennington Flash, 18th October, adult, photo, considered to be the returning bird from 2018/2019, last seen Jan 2019 (John Tymon)
Sale WP, 23rd November, second calendar year, photo (Steven Burke)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 25th November to 2nd February 2020, adult, photo (Rob Adderley)
Audenshaw Reservoirs (2), 2nd December, adults, photo, one individual presumably the same as 25th November at this site (Rob Adderley)
Pennington Flash, 10th December, adult, photo (John Tymon)
CASPIAN GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 1st to 4th January, third winter, photo, same colour-ringed (X106) individual as Ashworth Moor Reservoir/Cutacre CP/Redgate Recycling late winter 2018 (Rob Adderley et al); also seen again, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 2nd to 9th December, fourth winter/adult, photo (Rob Adderley et al); and Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 15th December, photo (Dan Gornall)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 4th February, first winter, photo (Rob Adderley)
Cutacre CP, 29th July, fourth calendar year, photo (Ian McKerchar, Phil Rhodes)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 15th November, adult, photo (Rob Adderley)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 22nd November intermittently to 16th December, second winter, photo (Connor Rand et al); same individual also Audenshaw Reservoirs, 8th December, photo (Simon Ghilks et al)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 5th December intermittently to 7th January 2020, first winter, photo (Pete Berry); same individual also Pennington Flash, 24th December intermittently to 15th January 2020, photo (Ian McKerchar, Phil Rhodes)
TURTLE DOVE, Seedley, Salford, 3rd to 4th May, photo (Dave Drinkwater, Alan Quinn)
NIGHTJAR, location withheld, 12th May (Ian McKerchar)
(2) details withheld
ALPINE SWIFT, Leigh, 21st June, caught and released, photo (Rob Brookes et al)
CHANNEL WAGTAIL (flavissima x flava hybrid), Little Woolden Moss, 29th April to 5th June, male, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Worsley Moss, 30th May, male, photo (Ian McKerchar)
Little Woolden Moss, 6th June, male, photo (Dave Steel)
Barton Moss, 25th June, male, considered the same individual as Worsley Moss, 30th May, photo (Dave Steel et al)
BLYTH'S REED WARBLER, Hope Carr, Leigh, 20th January to 25th February, photo, video and sound recording (Phil Rhodes et al)
GREAT GREY SHRIKE, Chat Moss, 30th to 31st March, photo (Dave Steel et al)
ROSE-COLOURED STARLING, Offerton, 23rd March, second calendar year, photo (Donna Seaton)
Elton Reservoir, 29th October, adult (Simon Johnson)
COMMON REDPOLL, Hazel Grove, 4th January, photo (John Rayner)
Watergrove Reservoir, 3rd to 6th April, photo (per County Recorder)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Atherton, 6th to 25th January, adult, photo (images appeared to display an uncharacteristic underside of P10 for this species, which was considered to support it being a probable hybrid); same individual as at Pennington Flash, 7th to 13th December 2018
Pennington Flash, 5th August, adult, photo (image failed to eliminate Lesser Black-backed Gull; no supporting description)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 10th June, adult, photo (photos could not eliminate Lesser Black-backed Gull)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 30th August, adult, photo (inconclusive images, failed to confirm the identification beyond all reasonable doubt)
Redgate, Gorton, 15th November, first winter, photo (incomplete description and images lacked sufficient detail to secure the identification and eliminate other species)
CASPIAN GULL, Pennington Flash, 11th January, third winter, photo (incomplete description; single relatively poor photo submitted portrayed no real pro-Caspian features and submission not backed by any written detail)
Pilsworth, 21st January, first winter, photo, colour ringed individual (ringed in a well known mixed Herring/Caspian Gull colony in Germany which produces a relatively high proportion of hybrid birds and despite at least one of its parents having been considered a Caspian Gull, its pure parentage as such could not be proven and the single photo submitted displayed some features considered to be highly likely to relate to a hybrid bird)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 8th March, adult, photo (marginally incomplete description; despite an overall appearance of Caspian Gull no detail of the open primaries was captured or submitted in writing which the committee felt was necessary in this instance to be confident beyond all reasonable doubt)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 13th July, fourth calendar year/adult, photo (marginally incomplete description; despite an overall appearance of Caspian Gull no detail of the open primaries was captured or submitted in writing which the committee felt was necessary in this instance to be confident beyond all reasonable doubt)
Sale WP, 23rd November, second calendar year, photo (re-identified and accepted as a Yellow-legged Gull from images submitted)
Elton Reservoir, 20th December, first winter (incomplete description; no essential detail of mantle/scapular and wing covert pattern/moult was obtained along with other pro-features necessary for the confirmation of this species)
PALLID SWIFT, Heaton Park Reservoir, 11th to 12th November (assessed by BBRC, found not proven)
MARSH TIT, Elton Reservoir, 10th March (incomplete description; unfortunately brief encounter afforded understandably no plumage detail and vocalisations not sound recorded and insufficiently described)
HOODED CROW, High Rid Reservoir, 6th May, photo (whilst undoubtably possessing Hooded Crow genes, the quality of image obtained failed to eliminate the possibility of hybridisation and in fact, some features hinted towards it though ultimately, it could not be fully confirmed either way)
HAWFINCH, Elton Reservoir, 18th January (incomplete description; insufficient detail and lack of clarity on features mentioned within submission failed to confirm the identification)
WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE, Little Woolden Moss area, 2nd to 3rd December, Greenland (flavirostris) race, photo (John Tymon et al)
*BARNACLE GOOSE, Castleshaw Reservoirs (25), 3rd February, photo (Gary Crowder); identification accepted but origin as truly wild birds not
Cutacre (12), 10th March, photo (Phil Rhodes); identification accepted but origin as truly wild birds not
Elton Reservoir (4), 17th October, photo (James Walsh); identification accepted but origins as wild not
GARGANEY, Shell Pool NR, 4th November, photo (Chris Roberts et al)
GOLDENEYE x HOODED MERGANSER, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 8th to 13th May, bird considered as showing characteristics of this hybrid, photo (Paul Wren, Rob Adderley et al)
SMEW, Pennington Flash, 1st January, redhead, photo (Andy Isherwood et al)
Turner's Flash, Wigan Flashes, 12th January onwards, redhead, considered to be the same individual as the Pennington Flash bird from 1st January, photo (Judith Smith et al)
GANNET, Newtown, Wigan, 6th July, sub-adult, photo, taken into care and released the same day (per County Recorder)
CATTLE EGRET, Lightshaw Hall Flash, 29th August (Rob Thorpe, Terry Thorpe)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Broad Ees Dole, 2nd April, photo (Joel Tragen)
Elton Reservoir, 14th September (Simon Johnson)
Marple Dale (2), 17th September (John Ireland)
Pennington Flash, 26th September (Ian McKerchar)
Crime Lake, Failsworth, 27th September, photo (Malcolm Doyle, Sean Rooney)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 11th October, photo (Karen Foulkes, Simon Ghilks et al)
Elton Reservoir, 20th October (Simon Johnson)
PURPLE HERON, Lightshaw Hall Flash, 9th to 11th May, photo (Judith Smith et al)
SPOONBILL, Audenshaw Reservoirs (3), 9th June, adult and two immatures, photo (per County Recorder)
GOSHAWK, location withheld, 5th March, second calendar year male, photo (Mark Woodhead)
STONE CURLEW, Hattersley, 25th April, photo, picked up and taken into care then released at another site the day after (Samantha Hogan et al)
PURPLE SANDPIPER, Heaton Park Reservoir, 9th November, photo (Simon Johnson)
PECTORAL SANDPIPER, Hollingworth Lake, 16th to 17th August, juvenile, photo (Simon Hitchen et al)
CURLEW SANDPIPER, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 27th April, first summer, photo (per County Recorder)
Audenshaw Reservoirs (2), 31st August, juveniles, photo (Rob Adderley)
Little Woolden Moss, 2nd September, juvenile, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
LITTLE STINT, Little Stint, Heaton Park Reservoir, 10th August, juvenile, photo (Simon Johnson)
Little Woolden Moss, 2nd September, juvenile, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 4th September, juvenile, photo (Andy Bissit, Pete Hines)
SABINE'S GULL, Elton Reservoir, 17th September, juvenile (Simon Johnson)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 8th January, adult, photo (Rob Adderley)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 8th January, first winter, photo (Rob Adderley)
Pennington Flash, 10th January to 3rd February, adult, photo (Ian McKerchar, Pete Berry)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 27th January to 3rd February, adult, photo (Rob Creek)
Sale Water Park, 30th January, third winter, photo (Dave Broome)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 7th February, third winter, photo (Peter Berry)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 3rd March, third winter, photo (Rob Adderley)
High Rid Reservoir, 8th March, adult, video (Phil Rhodes)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 16th June, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 22nd June, second summer, photo (Rob Archer)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 22nd June, second summer, photo (Rob Creek)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 27th June, second summer, photo (Pete Nolan)
Pennington Flash, 4th July, adult, photo (Ian McKerchar); same individual also at Atherton, 13th July, photo (Pete Berry)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 10th July, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 13th July, third calendar year, photo (Rob Archer)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 3rd August, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 14th August, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 29th September, adult, photo (James Walsh)
Pennington Flash, 4th October, 3rd calendar year, photo (Ian McKerchar)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 22nd October, fourth winter/adult, photo (Sonia Adderley et al)
Pennington Flash, 4th November, 3rd winter, photo (Ian McKerchar)
Pennington Flash, 13th November, 2nd winter, photo (Ian McKerchar)
Hollingworth Lake, 14th November, third winter, photo (Andrew Huyton et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 17th November to 3rd January 2021, adult, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 17th November to 16th January 2021, adult, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
High Rid Reservoir, 6th to 15th December, adult, video (Phil Rhodes)
High Rid Reservoir, 7th December to 6th February 2021, second winter, photo/video (Phil Rhodes et al)
CASPIAN GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 12th January, fourth winter/adult, ringed bird X106, photo (Rob Adderley et al); same bird again at Heaton Park Reservoir, 16th November, photo (Pete Berry)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 30th January to 5th February, adult, photo (Rob Adderley et al) and again 26th November to 9th February 2021 (Simon Ghilks et al)
Hollingworth Lake, 20th August to 7th September, second calendar year, photo (Simon Hitchen, Andrew Huyton et al)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 31st August, first winter, photo (Rob Creek)
Pennington Flash, 23rd to 31st October, first winter, photo (Phil Rhodes et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 4th November, first winter, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Pennington Flash, 15th December, first winter, photo (Ian McKerchar, Phil Rhodes)
WHITE-WINGED BLACK TERN, Castleshaw Reservoirs, 14th August, adult, photo (Paul Bowden)
NIGHTJAR, location withheld (2), 24th May to 2nd June, sound recorded (observers withheld)
location withheld (2), 26th May to 15th September, sound recorded (observers withheld)
WRYNECK, Higher Meadows, Horwich Moors, 23rd August to 3rd September, photo (Peter Webb et al)
CHANNEL WAGTAIL (flavissima x flava hybrid), Chat Moss, 5th May, male (Ian McKerchar)
Little Woolden Moss, 8th June, male, photo (Terry Eagan et al)
BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 8th May, male, photo (Rob and Sonia Adderley)
CETTI'S WARBLER, Hollingworth Lake, 11th November, female, trapped and ringed, photo (Mike Cooper)
MARSH WARBLER, Rumworth Lodge, 7th June, male, photo and sound recording (Phil Rhodes, Simon Warford et al)
YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER, Green Avenue, Astley, 11th October (Ian McKerchar)
MARSH TIT, Etherow CP, 2nd February to 5th March, photo (Jeff Burgum, John Rayner et al)
TWITE, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 16th October (Simon Ghilks et al)
CATTLE EGRET, Doffcocker, 8th July (incomplete description; little detail provided with no confirmatory features, other egret species not fully eliminated)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Stretford Ees, 30th October (incomplete description; the committee had much sympathy with the brevity of the sighting and ultimately the observer's subsequent views but the frank description failed to fully confirm the sighting)
GOSHAWK, Urmston, 20th August (description wholly failed to eliminate Sparrowhawk and location of a domestic garden, with bird on a kill, also favours the latter species)
PECTORAL SANDPIPER, Lightshaw Hall Flash, 23rd August (withdrawn by the observer)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Heaton Park Reservoir, 1st January, adult, video (unfortunately, the short video clip proved failed to secure the identification)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 8th January, first winter, photo (this individual marginally lacked sufficient detail, particularly of scapular/covert pattern and overall moult to be considered safely acceptable)
Pennington Flash, 26th January, photo (re-identified as an argentatus Herring Gull)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 19th February, first winter, photo (photos submitted appeared to probably involve a Lesser Black-backed Gull)
Pennington Flash, 3rd March, first winter, photo/video (insufficient detail in the image and video submitted to clarify important feather patterns and moult; ultimately, Herring Gull could not be eliminated)
High Rid Reservoir, 9th June, adult, video (video submitted failed to display any prerequisite primary pattern or leg colour)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 1st July, adult, photo (from the images submitted the bird was re-identified as a Lesser Black-backed Gull in very strong sunlight)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 13th July, third calendar year, photo (bird was re-identified from images as a Yellow-legged Gull)
Trafford Centre, 14th July, fourth summer (incomplete description with poor detail wholly failed to corroborate the identification)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 4th August, third calendar year, photo (aspects of the bird's head streaking and bare part colouration caused some potential doubt over there bird's pure identification and failed to eliminate the possibility of a hybrid bird)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 10th August, adult, photo (taken in very strong sunlight, the committee felt that the images submitted strongly suggested the bird could have been an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull)
Pennington Flash, 9th September, third winter, video (lack of detail in the submitted video failed to support the identification)
High Rid Reservoir, 17th September, adult, photo (image submitted failed to secure necessary detail to confirm the identification)
Pennington Flash, 15th December, third winter (incomplete description; wholly inconclusive and lacked detail, failing to eliminate any of the commoner species)
CASPIAN GULL, Cowlinshaw, 30th to 31st January, adult/fourth winter, photo (images failed to support the putative identification due to failing to display important and prerequisite identification features)
Openshaw, 10th June, second calendar year, photo (submission re-identified as a Lesser Black-backed Gull)
Elton Reservoir, 19th June, third calendar year, photo (submission re-identified as an argenteus Herring Gull)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 13th July, third calendar year, photo (submission re-identified as a Yellow-legged Gull)
Pennington Flash, 5th to 7th September, second winter, photo (the submission which consisted of photos only marginally lacked the necessary detail and clarity for the committee to confirm the identity beyond all reasonable doubt)
Pennington Flash, 2nd November, first winter (incomplete description; lack of any valid supporting features in brief flight views)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 15th November, adult, photo (incomplete description; images and description provided lacked necessary detail of primary pattern required to support the identification and elimination of potential confusion species/hybrids)
SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF, Pennington Flash, 5th March, photo (whilst the committee agreed the bird in the submission displayed some characteristics of Siberian Chiffchaff, it also agreed that it would be unwise to accept it as such without details of any vocalisations and from images alone)
YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER, Pennington Flash, 14th October (incomplete description; whilst the committee commended the honesty in the observers submission, the detail within ultimately fell short of being able to fully confirm the identification of the bird and eliminate other potential confusion species)
MARSH TIT, Elton Reservoir, 11th October (incomplete submission; the visual description and transcription of vocalisations of this very tricky species were found inconclusive and could not eliminate Willow Tit)
BRENT GOOSE, Hollingworth Lake, 3rd March, dark-bellied, photo (Trevor Parry et al)
Pennington Flash, 29th April, dark-bellied, photo (Phil Rhodes et al); same individual also Lightshaw Hall Flash, 29th April, photo (Judith Smith)
RED-THROATED DIVER, Watergrove Reservoir, 20th November onwards into 2022, probably adult, photo (Steve Atkins et al); same individual also Hollingworth Lake, 31st December and 1st January 2022, photo (Simon Hitchen et al)
GREAT NORTHERN DIVER, Pennington Flash, 21st May, first summer, photo (Phil Rhodes et al)
Pennington Flash, 9th to 10th December, juvenile, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
RING-NECKED DUCK, Elton Reservoir, 12th February, first winter female, photo (Simon Warford et al); same individual also at Alexandra Park Lake, Whalley Range, 18th February onwards, photo (Tony O' Mahony et al); Platt Fields Park Lake, 23rd (intermittently) to 28th February, photo (Pete Hines et al); Audenshaw Reservoirs, 1st March, photo (per CR)
MANX SHEARWATER, Dukinfield, 2nd October, photo; found in a garden and taken into care (per CR)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Croxdens, Chat Moss, 18th to 19th April, photo (per CR)
Lightshaw Hall Flash, 24th July, photo (Rob Thorpe); presumed same individual also Rumworth Lodge, 25th July, photo (Steve Almond et al)
Wigan Flashes, 23rd to at least 29th August, photo (per CR); same individual then rescued by Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service from the canal by Seven Stars Road, Wigan Town Centre where it was taken into care with a suspected broken wing but unfortunately died in care, photo (Per CR)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 19th September, photo (Ray Scally, Paul Wren)
Astley Green, 25th September, photo (Pete Berry et al)
Elton Reservoir, 27th September to 1st November, photo (per CR)
SPOONBILL, Chat Moss (2), 27th July (James Walsh, Sean Hargreaves, Deniz Hargreaves)
DOTTEREL, Castleshaw Moor (7), 30th April, photo (Mark Rigby, Stuart Rothery et al)
GREAT SKUA, Pennington Flash, 16th December, adult, photo (Bill Harrison et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 17th December, photo; probably the same individual as at Pennington Flash 16th December (Roy Travis)
CASPIAN GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 1st January, third calendar year, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Pennington Flash, 13th to 15th January, third winter, photo (Phil Rhodes); same individual also Cutacre CP, 16th January, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 6th February, first winter, photo (Rob Creek)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 11th February, first winter, photo (Rob and Sonia Adderley)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 4th March, first winter, photo (Rob Creek)
Blackstone Edge Reservoir, 5th August, juvenile, photo (Daniel Branch)
Pennington Flash, 22nd September and also 3rd October, third winter, photo (Phil Rhodes, Ian McKerchar)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 13th November, first winter, photo (Rob Archer)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 14th to 16th November, adult, photo (Simon Ghilks et al)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 20th November, first winter, photo (Pete Berry)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 30th November, third winter, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 14th to 15th December, first winter, photo (per CR)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 17th December, first winter, photo (Pete Berry); same individual also Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 28th December, photo (Rob Creek)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 27th December to 5th March, second winter, photo (Rob Creek et al)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 28th December, first winter, photo (Rob Creek)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, High Rid Reservoir (2), 1st January, one individual remaining to 28th February, second winters, photo (Phil Rhodes); same individual also Pennington Flash, 13th March, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 28th January, third calendar year, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Pennington Flash, 23rd February, adult, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 6th March, adult, photo (Rob Creek)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 25th May, fourth calendar year, photo (Pete Berry)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 7th June, fourth calendar year, photo (Rob Archer)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 9th to 13th July, fourth calendar year, photo (Rob Creek)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 15th July, fourth calendar year, photo (Rob Archer)
Hollingworth Lake, 15th to 26th July, fourth Calendar year, photo (Simon Hitchen et al)
Pennington Flash, 11th August, adult, photo (Ian McKerchar)
Pennington Flash, 11th to 20th August, juvenile, photo (Ian McKerchar)
Pennington Flash, 20th to 21st August, juvenile, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Hollingworth Lake, 30th August to 12th September, fourth calendar year, photo (James Walsh et al)
High Rid Reservoir, 16th October to 10th November, probably 4th Calendar year, video (Phil Rhodes)
KUMLIEN'S GULL, Gorton Reservoirs, 3rd January, third winter, photo (Gareth Hughes, Lindsay Hughes, Rob Creek)
LITTLE STINT, Pennington Flash, 14th September, 2CY+, photo (Phil Rhodes et al)
TEMMINCK'S STINT, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 16th May, photo (Ray Scally, Paul Wren et al)
WRYNECK, Abram, 28th August, photo (Rob Thorpe)
RED-RUMPED SWALLOW, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 6th May, photo (Rob Adderley, Simon Ghilks et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 22nd May, photo (Ray Scally et al)
BLYTH'S REED WARBLER, All Saint's Park, Manchester, 29th November, photo and sound recording (Alex Lees et al)
WATER PIPIT, Daisy Hill Waste Water Treatment Works, Westhoughton, 25th January to 9th February, photo (Phil Rhodes et al)
Blackstone Edge Reservoir, 29th to 30th March, photo (Simon Hitchen et al)
CHANNEL WAGTAIL (flavissima x flava hybrid), Little Woolden Moss LWT Reserve (west), 26th April, male, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Rindle, Astley Moss, 30th April to 1st May, male, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Carrington Moss, 16th May, male, photo (Pete Hines et al)
Little Woolden Moss, 17th May to 8th Jul, male, photo (Dave Steel et al)
ROSE-COLOURED STARLING, Horwich, 10th to 13th June, probably adult female, photo (Julie Berry et al)
LAPLAND BUNTING, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 10th April, female, photo (Paul Hammond, Paul Wren et al)
WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE, Little Woolden Moss, 14th January (vague and wholly inconclusive description)
GREAT NORTHERN DIVER, Elton Reservoir, 29th March (incomplete description; an unfortunately brief observation which prevented the accumulation of detail necessary for acceptance of this species and that provided to the committee by the observers could feasibly have applied to a number of diver species)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Amberswood, 22nd December (incomplete description; lack of sufficient detail failed to meet the criteria for acceptance)
CASPIAN GULL, Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 6th February, adult, photo (bird submitted was a Lesser Black-backed Gull)
Salford Quays, 9th February to 23rd April, first winter, photo (the bird displayed highly anomalous features for this species, particularly the scapulars, and was considered a hybrid)
Salford Quays, 8th April, first winter, photo (bird submitted was a Herring Gull)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 29th September, first winter, photo (images could not provide sufficient clarification of important features and thought the bird certainly bore resemblance to this species it could marginally not be proven)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 3rd October, second winter, photo (bird submitted was a Herring Gull)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 30th November, adult, photo (head streaking was considered unusual for this species at the time of year and the primary pattern could not be ascertained to secure the identification)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Arley Way, Atherton, 1st January, adult, photo; same individual also Cutacre CP, 8th January (photos and video from both sightings displayed anomalous features consistent with hybridisation)
Pennington Flash, 11th January, 3rd calendar year, video (identification could not be confirmed from the video provided)
Rumworth Lodge, 23rd February, third calendar year, photo (incomplete description; submission required more detail for acceptance)
Salford Quays, 15th March, second calendar year, photo (submitted bird was a Lesser Black-backed Gull)
Salford Quays, 6th April, third calendar year, photo (submitted bird was a Herring Gull)
Salford Quays, 12th April, adult, photo (taken in very strong sunlight, the images provided could not eliminate a Lesser Black-backed Gull which was suspected by the committee)
Salford Quays, 13th April, third calendar year, photo (submitted bird was a Lesser Black-backed Gull)
High Rid Reservoirs, 1st September, 4th calendar year, video (very short video submitted failed to eliminate Herring Gull)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 9th October, 4th calendar year, photo (there were inconsistencies in plumage and moult for this species which resulted in its identification being brought into question and other possibilities unable to be eliminated)
High Rid Reservoir, 8th November, adult, photo (detailed video provided revealed atypical primary pattern for this species and a hybrid could not be ruled out)
High Rid Reservoir, 12th November, 3rd calendar year, video (video failed to eliminate hybridisation/misidentification suspected due to features lacking clarity and detail within the footage)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 30th November, adult, photo (incomplete description; whilst slightly atypical features could well have been within the range of this species the primary pattern could not be fully ascertained)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 2nd December, adult , photo (incomplete description; images provided failed to fully secure the identification)
HOODED CROW, Landside, Leigh, 29th August, photo (bird was a hybrid Hooded Crow x Carrion Crow)
RED-NECKED GREBE, Pennington Flash, 4th to 5th April, adult, photo (Phil Rhodes et al)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 16th April, adult, photo (per CR)
FULMAR, Cowlinshaw, 23rd April (Gary Crowder)
CATTLE EGRET, Hollingworth Lake, 18th October, photo (Ian Kimber)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Hollingworth Lake, 12th and again 19th to 20th June, photo (per CR)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 10th August to 13th September, photo (Tony O' Mahony et al)
Rumworth Lodge, 16th August to 30th September, photo (per CR)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 24th August, second bird, photo (Simon Ghilks et al)
Hazel Grove, 12th October, photo (Norma and Pete Cowslip)
GLOSSY IBIS, Longsight Lane, Cheadle Hulme, 12th to 13 January, photo (per CR)
Elton Reservoir, 10th November (Richard Thew)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 19th November, photo (per CR)
SPOONBILL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 28th May, immature, photo (Ray Scally)
Pennington Flash (2), 21st July, photo (Colin Davies)
Audenshaw Reservoirs (2), 24th July, adults, photo (Ray Scally et al)
PECTORAL SANDPIPER, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 28th to 30th August, juvenile, photo (Ray Scally et al)
CURLEW SANDPIPER, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 22nd September, juvenile, photo (Rob Adderley)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, juvenile, photo (Rob Archer)
RED-NECKED PHALAROPE, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 28th to 30th August, juvenile, photo (Ray Scally et al)
CASPIAN GULL, Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 7th January to 27th February, first winter, photo (Rob Creek et al)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 8th January to 9th March, first winter, photo (Rob Creek et al); same individual also Audenshaw Reservoirs, 23rd February, photo (Rob Adderley)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 3rd to 4th February, first winter, photo (Rob Archer)
Elton Reservoir, 6th February, first winter, photo, same individual Redgate Recycling, Gorton, as 28th December 2021 (Steve Higginbottom)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 8th July to 12th August, fourth calendar year, colour-ringed X09J, photo (Rob Archer)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 15th August, juvenile, red colour-ringed 1.B, photo (Rob Creek)
Pennington Flash, 10th September to 7th October, second winter, photo (Phil Rhodes et al)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 20th September, first calendar year, photo (Rob Archer)
Pennington Flash, 10th to 26th October, first winter, photo (Phil Rhodes et al)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 18th October, photo (Rob Creek)
Pennington Flash, 27th October, first winter, photo (Ian McKerchar, Phil Rhodes)
Pennington Flash, 27th October, first winter (second individual), photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 10th November, first winter, photo (Rob Archer); same individual also Heaton Park Reservoir, 3rd to 10th December, photo (Rob Adderley, Pete Berry)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 14th November, adult, photo (Rob Creek); same individual also Hollingworth Lake, 9th December, photo (Andrew Huyton)
Pennington Flash, 19th November, sub-adult, photo (Phil Rhodes, Colin Davies)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 27th November, first winter, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 28th to 29th November, second winter, photo (Rob Creek)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 1st to 9th December, adult, photo (per CR)
Pennington Flash, 2nd December intermittently to 23rd January 2023, second winter, photo (Phil Rhodes, Colin Davies, Ian McKerchar)
Redgate Recycling, 3rd to 21st December, first winter, photo (per CR)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 10th December and again, 23rd January 2023, second winter, photo (Rob Adderley, Pete Berry)
Pennington Flash, 14th December intermittently to 1st January 2023, first winter, photo (Colin Davies)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 15th to 17th December, third winter, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Pennington Flash, 4th to 27th February, adult, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 11th February, photo (Rob Creek)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 4th March, adult, photo (Rob Adderley)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 7th March, adult, photo (Rob Adderley)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 24th May, second calendar year, photo (Rob Archer)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 24th May, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 25th May, third calendar year, photo (Rob Archer)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 11th June, third calendar year, photo (Rob Archer)
Cutacre CP, 15th June, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 29th June, fourth calendar year, photo (Rob Archer)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 30th June to 7th July, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
High Rid Reservoir, 10th July, adult, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 15th July, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 16th July, fourth calendar year, photo (Rob Creek)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 21st July, adult, photo (Rob Adderley)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 30th July to 8th August, fourth calendar year, photo (Rob Creek)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 1st to 24th August, sub-adult, photo (Rob Creek)
Pennington Flash, 13th to 15th August, adult, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Pennington Flash, 17th August, fourth calendar year, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 14th August, fourth calendar year, photo (Rob Archer)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 26th August, adult, photo (Rob Creek)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 12th September, first winter, photo (Rob Archer)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 16th September, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton,, 22nd September, adult, photo (Rob Creek)
Pennington Flash, 27th October to 12th November, sub-adult, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 27th October to 27th November, adult, photo (Rob Adderley)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 3rd November, adult, photo (Rob Archer)
High Rid Reservoir, 20th November, adult, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Pennington Flash, 5th December intermittently to 23rd January, adult, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Rumworth Lodge, 17th December and again 29th January 2023, adult, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Cutacre CP, 18th December, adult, photo (Phil Rhodes); same individual Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 18th December, photo (Rob Archer)
Pennington Flash, 29th December, first winter, photo (Ian McKerchar)
TURTLE DOVE, Blackrod, 28th to 31st May, photo (Louise Walsh, David Pendlebury)
BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 12th April, male, photo (Simon Ghilks et al)
CHANNEL WAGTAIL, Little Woolden Moss, 3rd may to 10th June, male, photo (per CR)
Little Woolden Moss, 3rd to 24th May, male, photo (per CR)
RICHARD'S PIPIT, Chat Moss, 5th December to 6th January 2023, photo and sound recording (Dave Steel et al)
WATER PIPIT, Daisy Hill Waste Water Treatment Works, 18th January to 3rd February, photo (Phil Rhodes et al)
HAWFINCH, Lightshaw Hall Flash, 12th November (Rob and Terry Thorpe)
GREEN-WINGED TEAL, Elton Reservoir, 1st to 3rd December, drake, photo (submitted bird displayed more Eurasian Teal features than Green-winged Teal and was considered a hybrid)
CASPIAN GULL, Alexandra Park, Oldham, 19th to 21st January, adult, photo (bird displayed anomalous structural and primary pattern features for a pure bird of this species)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 25th January, first winter, photo (incomplete description; whilst the submission clearly displayed some features of this species they failed to portray important structure and feather patterning)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 3rd February, first winter, photo (incomplete description; whilst the submission clearly displayed some features of this species they failed to portray important structure and feather patterning)
Pennington Flash, 28th February, second winter, photo (video submitted could not fully confirm the identification)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 4th October to 30th November, first winter, photo (the bird displayed anomalous features for a pure bird of this species)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 23rd October, first winter, photo (incomplete description; whilst the photos clearly displayed features of this species they failed to confirm it to an acceptable standard)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 23rd November and again 20th December, first winter, photo (the bird displayed anomalous features for a pure bird of this species)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 27th November, second winter (2), photo (the quality and number of images submitted could not confirm the identification)
High Rid Reservoir, 19th December, fourth winter, photo (images confirmed the bird was not of this species)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 20th to 22nd December, first winter, photo (the bird displayed anomalous features for a pure bird of this species)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Alexandra Park, Oldham, 22nd January, photo (bird submitted was a Lesser Black-backed Gull)
Salford Quays, 6th February, third winter, photo (images submitted were inconclusive and failed to eliminate Lesser Black-backed Gull)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 22nd April, second summer, photo (images submitted failed to eliminate Lesser Black-backed Gull)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 22nd July, third summer, photo (images submitted appeared to show a Lesser Black-backed Gull or hybrid of)
Pennington Flash, 7th August, juvenile, photo (video footage was not of sufficient quality to confirm the identification)
Pennington Flash, 28th October, second or third winter (description submitted was inconclusive and included features not consistent with this species)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 3rd December, adult, photo (images submitted appeared to show a Lesser Black-backed Gull or hybrid of)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 10th to 15th December, adult, photo (incomplete description; images submitted failed to fully confirm the identification)
SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF, Beefold, Atherton, 15th February, sound recorded (call submitted was not that of this species, also confirmed by sonogram)
CRESTED TIT, Horwich, 6th March, photo (whilst there was no argument over the identification, image EXIF data had been removed and could therefore not be verified)
BRENT GOOSE, Pennington Flash (117), 2nd January, photo (Ian McKerchar)
LESSER SCAUP, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 13th to 26th April, adult male, photo (Rob Adderley, Paul Wren et al)
SMEW, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 6th December onwards, female/immature, photo (per CR)
SLAVONIAN GREBE, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 2nd May, adult, photo (Rob Adderley, Paul Wren et al)
SHAG, Sale Water Park, 27th to 31st October, juvenile, photo (per CR)
CATTLE EGRET, Pennington Flash, 17th April, photo (Colin Davies)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 17th July, adult, photo (Simon Ghilks, Paul Hammond, Paul Wren); same individual also later at Hollingworth Lake, 17th July, photo (per CR)
Urmston Meadows, 26th December to 1st January 2024, photo (Bob Farmer et al)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 10th April, photo (Ray Scally)
Bickershaw, 22nd June, photo (Gordon Newman)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 23rd August to 16th September, photo (Paul Wren et al)
Pennington Flash, 24th August, photo (John Dixon et al)
Rumworth Lodge, 1st to 2nd September, photo (per CR)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 5th to 8th September, photo (Simon Ghilks, Ray Scally, Paul Wren et al)
Hollingworth Lake, 11th September, photo (Simon Hitchen et al)
Moses Gate CP, 27th September, photo (Keith Rowland)
Watergrove Reservoir, 6th October (Steve Atkins)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 12th October, photo (Rob Adderley)
Elton Reservoir (8), 19th October, photo (Simon Johnson, Simon Warford, Paul Wilson)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 21st October (Dave Broome); probably the same bird again Heaton Park Reservoir, 23rd October, video (Simon Johnson)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 28th November (Simon Ghilks et al)
GLOSSY IBIS, Shaw Moss and Clegg Hall Pools, 7th October, adult, photo (Pat Culkin, Andrew Huyton et al)
SPOONBILL, Pennington Flash, 24th March, adult, photo (Phil Rhodes)
Pennington Flash, 5th May, second calendar year, photo (Ian McKerchar, Bill Harrison)
CRANE, Elton Reservoir (5), 3rd April (Simon Johnson)
BLACK-WINGED STILT, Little Woolden Moss LWT, 7th May, photo (per CR)
Pennington Flash (2), 11th June, first summer male and female, photo (Colin Davies et al)
PECTORAL SANDPIPER, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 21st to 22nd July, adult, photo (Simon Ghilks, Rob Adderley, Gareth Hughes et al)
CURLEW SANDPIPER, Audenshaw Reservoirs (2), 7th September, juveniles, photo (Paul Wren et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs (3), 8th September, juveniles, photo (Paul Wren et al)
TEMMINCK'S STINT, Pennington Flash, 22nd May, adult, photo (Colin Davies et al)
LITTLE STINT, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 19th August, juvenile, photo (per CR)
GREY PHALAROPE, Elton Reservoir, 20th to 21st September, first winter, photo (Keith Rowland et al)
RING-BILLED GULL, Cowlinshaw, Oldham, 12th March, adult, photo (Gary Growder)
CASPIAN GULL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 5th January to 12th March, first winter, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Pennington Flash, 7th January, third winter, photo (Colin Davies et al)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, second winter, 11th January, photo (Rob Creek)
Hollingworth Lake, 22nd January, second winter, photo (Andrew Huyton et al)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 7th February, first winter, photo (Rob Creek)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 20th February, first winter, photo (Rob Creek)
Pennington Flash, 20th February, adult, photo (Ian McKerchar)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 24th February and 15th March, first winter, photo (Ian McKerchar, Pete Berry et al)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 15th to 17th March, first winter, photo (Ian McKerchar, Pete Berry)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 27th July, first summer, photo (Ian McKerchar, Peter Berry)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, second calendar year, 18th August, red colour-ringed 1.B (also seen as a juvenile at the same site on 15th August 2022), photo (Rob Creek); same individual again Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 11th to 12th December, photo (Rob Creek)
Pennington Flash, 17th September, first winter, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, third winter, 14th October, photo (Rob Creek)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 14th to 28th November, first winter, photo (Ian McKerchar, Pete Berry)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 21st November to 7th January 2024, adult, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
Pennington Flash, 29th November, first winter, photo (Ian McKerchar)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 15th December, first winter, photo (Pete Berry)
Ashworth Moor Reservoir, 16th December, first winter, photo (Rob Archer)
Pennington Flash, 16th December, adult, photo (Ian McKerchar et al)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Redgate Recycling, 27th January, adult, photo (Rob Creek)
ALPINE SWIFT, Elton Reservoir, 31st March to 2nd April, photo (Keith Rowland et al)
BEE-EATER, location withheld (2), 15th June to 20th July, photo (finders withheld)
Elton Reservoir, 7th August, photo (Paul Wilson et al)
SHORELARK, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 14th November, photo (Simon Ghilks et al)
CHANNEL WAGTAIL, Little Woolden Moss, 22nd May to 3rd June, male, photo (Dave Steel et al)
FIRECREST, Dukinfield, 11th February to 18th March, photo (Simon Ghilks et al)
Salford Quays, 25th April, photo (Steve Blackshall)
SERIN, Pennington Flash, 5th June, male (Ian McKerchar)
HONEY BUZZARD, Bickershaw, 20th June, photo (photos submitted unfortunately provided no evidence to support the identification)
CASPIAN GULL, Redgate Recycling, Gorton, third winter, 28th January, photo (whilst the photos exhibited some features consistent with this species, structural abnormalities in particular combined with significant head streaking were enough to support doubt over the bird's purity)
Pennington Flash, 25th February, first winter, photo (this striking bird bore strong structural features of cachinnans along with some plumage features too, yet the scapulars in particular were at odds with the committee's expectations which combined with one of two other slight anomalies were sufficient to be doubtful one the bird's purity)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, third calendar year, 16th July, photo (submitted bird was a Herring Gull)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 29th October, first winter, colour ringed X6VV, photo (image provided failed to clearly resolve some detail but others such as the greater coverts were indicative of showing hybridisation)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 26th November, first winter, photo (whilst there were clear evidence of some cachinnans genes, there was sufficient doubt over this bird's purity due to various plumage anomalies)
Redgate Recycling, Gorton, 27th November, second winter, photo (structural features in particular were strongly at odds with the expected standard for the submitted species)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 14th December, second winter, photo (photographic evidence failed to secure the identification and rule out a hybrid)
Heaton Park Reservoir, 15th December, adult, photo (photo submitted could did display any of the pre-requisite features for identification)
YELLOW-LEGGED GULL, Pennington Flash, 26th January, photo (bird submitted was a Herring Gull)
IBERIAN WAGTAIL, Elton Reservoir, 26th April, male, photo (found not proven by BBRC)
HAWFINCH, Hazel Grove, 6th intermittently to 17th March (fairly vague second hand details bore some resemblance to this species but were insufficient to be conclusive)
Moses Gate Country Park, 24th October (the committee felt some sympathy with the observer given such a brief view but ultimately the description provided lacked the sufficient detail required for acceptance of this very rare county bird)
SNOW GOOSE*, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 6th May, intermediate morph, photo (per CR); identification confirmed but status accepted as category E only
GREENLAND WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE, Little Woolden Moss (10), 3rd to 11th November, photo (per CR)
SLAVONIAN GREBE, Pennington Flash (2), 16th October, photo (Colin Davies)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 27th October to 1st November, photo (Rob Adderley et al)
SHAG, Manchester Ship Canal, Eccles, 3rd September, juvenile, photo (Pete Hines) added 14.01.25
CATTLE EGRET, Dunham Massey, 15th to 16th January (Pete Hines et al)
Pennington Flash, 4th April, photo (Gordon Newman)
GREAT WHITE EGRET, Heaton Park Reservoir, 17th May (Simon Johnson)
Audenshaw Reservoirs (2), 18th May, photo (Simon Ghilks, Paul Wren)
Heaton Park Reservoir (2), 15th June, photo (Rob Adderley, Simon Johnson)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 31st July intermittently to 4th November, photo (Paul Wren et al) added 14.01.25
Pennington Flash, 14th July intermittently to 8th August, photo (Ian McKerchar, Barry Hulme et al); two 13th August onwards, photo (Phil Rhodes et al); four 16th October onwards, photo (Colin Davies et al); six 8th November onwards, photo (Colin Davies et al) added 14.01.25
Horrock's Flash, 8th August to 15th December, photo (Rob Thorpe et al) added 14.01.25,
Rumworth, 6th September to 19th November, photo (Phil Rhodes) added 14.01.25
Heaton Park Reservoir, 17th September to 20th November, photo (Ron and Sonia Adderley et al) added 14.01.25
Irlam Locks (2), 19th September, photo (Pete Hines) added 14.01.25
Withins Reservoir, 3rd October to 22nd November, photo (Keith Rowlands et al) added 14.01.25
Audenshaw Reservoirs (8), 5th October, photo (Ray Scally, Paul Wren)
Irlam Moss, 16th October, photo (Dave Steel)
Pennington Flash (4), 16th October (Colin Davies et al)
Chorlton Ees, 1st November, photo (Pete Hines)
Little Woolden Moss, 7th November, photo (Dave Steel)
Pennington Flash (6), 8th November (Colin Davies et al)
WHITE STORK*, Bickershaw, 24th April, photo (Gordon Newman); identification confirmed but status accepted as category E only
SPOONBILL, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 7th May, probably second calendar year, photo (Simon Ghilks et al)
Audenshaw Reservoirs, 13th October, first calendar year, photo (Simon Ghilks, Ray Scally, Paul Wren) added 14.01.25
COMMON CRANE, Failsworth (2), 31st March (Paul Bowden)
Elton Reservoir (2), 1st April (Keith Rowland, Paul Wilson)
Little Woolden Moss, (3), 11th May, photo (per CR)
PECTORAL SANDPIPER, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 10th May, photo (Simon Ghilks et al)
PURPLE SANDPIPER, Audenshaw Reservoir, 5th November, photo (Paul Wren et al)
LITTLE STINT, Audenshaw Reservoirs, 26th September, photo (per CR) added 14.01.25
NIGHTJAR, Horwich, 10th September, photo (Kat Dibbitts) added 14.01.25
BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL, Elton Reservoir, 16th May, male, photo (Ian Latham)
CHANNEL WAGTAIL, Little Woolden Moss, 26th April onwards, returning male (per CR)
YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER, Lightshaw, 12th October (Rob and Terry Thorpe) added 14.01.25
HAWFINCH, Withins, Elton Reservoir, 3rd November, photo (Simon Warford, Paul Wilson)
Lightshaw Hall Flash, 9th November (Rob and Terry Thorpe) added 14.01.25
YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER, Bury CE High School, Bury, 12th October (submission lacked description) added 14.01.25
The following bird colour-ringing projects are ongoing within Greater Manchester. All sightings of any of the following would be very warmly welcomed and in all cases, the study organisers will be able to supply information on original ringing details and any other sightings:
Mute Swan
North West Swan Study: Blue rings on the right leg. Either 3 letters/numbers or, since 2013, 4 digits beginning ‘4’ plus three letters. Please contact Steve Christmas: [email protected]
Some birds are metal ringed only and details of these can also be obtained from Steve Christmas.
Other ringing schemes operate close to Greater Manchester whose birds are frequently sighted here:
Green rings, 4 digits beginning ‘C’. Cheshire Swan Study, please contact David Cookson: [email protected]
Blue rings, 4 digits beginning ‘7’. Mid-Wales Ringing Group, please contact Tony Cross: [email protected]
Black-headed Gull
Blue rings, four digits beginning ‘2’. Please contact Scott Petrek: [email protected]
For all other combinations or colours please see:
White rings, 3 letters/numbers. Please contact Kane Brides: [email protected]
Canada and Greylag Geese
Either white or orange rings with 3 or 4 digits. Please contact Kane Brides: [email protected]
Wildfowl and gull information kindly provided by Steve Christmas